To the Prime Minister and the Chair of Parliament
of Bulgaria
I learnt with great grief, sorrow and fear that the Bulgarian Parliament
and Government plan to cut the funding of the Bulgarian Academy and
Sofia University to the level which would make impossible to run further
the research and teaching activities of these two scientific bodies.
This is largely perceived as an arbitrary, undeserved, aggressive act.
Both the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the University of Sofia bring
Science, Education, Dignity and Honor to your country Bulgaria.
I and my colleagues kindly ask you to re-assess the situation and give
up such an adverse decision. You should be aware that once stopped, the
research or university teaching could never be re-started, as such
activities were established historically. You might be going to do an
imense prejudice to your country, and to all of us scientific
researchers and professors worldwide.
With the best wishes, and trust in your wise judgment,
Marian Apostol
Professor of Theoretical Physics,
Institute for Atomic Physics,
Magurele-Bucharest MG-6, POBox MG-35, Romania