17 March 2022, 13:15 (EET), online seminar
- Chiara Toldo (Amsterdam University, Netherlands)
- Title: On the search for composite black holes in AdS space
- Abstract:
While multicenter black holes in asymptotically flat space have long been object of study, the construction of multi black holes geometries in Anti-de Sitter spacetimes remains so far elusive. Working in the probe approximation, I will show that there exist stable and metastable black hole bound states in compactifications of M-theory on 7-dimensional Sasaki-Einstein with AdS4 vacua. I will discuss various features of these setups, including their thermodynamics and their relevance for describing glassy systems, and “caged wall crossing” phenomena, making connection to recent developments regarding microstate counting via supersymmetric localization in the dual CFT3. I will moreover discuss the state of the art and recent progress regarding the search for five dimensional composite black hole solutions, including AdS5 black rings and black Saturns.