30 June 2022, 13:15 (EET), Hall 300, INRNE
- D-r Juan Jose Villarreal (University of Bath, UK)
- Title: Logarithmic vertex algebras and Non local poisson vertex algebras
- Abstract:
In this talk I want to explain the notion of logarithmic vertex algebras. The motivation behind this notion is logarithmic CFT. In particular, logarithmic vertex algebras provided a rigorous algebraic formulation of quantum fields with logarithmic singularities in their operator product expansion. I will describe some examples in this talk. Finally, I will mention some results that are going to appear in a forthcoming paper. Non-local Poisson vertex algebras were introduced by Kac and De Sole motivated by the theory of integrable systems. We prove that the associated graded vector space of a filtered logarithmic vertex algebra is a non-local Poisson vertex algebra. We use this relation to obtain new examples of both logarithmic vertex algebras and non-local Poisson vertex algebras. This is a joint work with Bojko Bakalov.