
We have reserved for the participants 35 rooms with breakfast at:
"House of Scientist" of Bulgarian Academy of Science.
Address: Blvd. Shipchenski prohod 50, 1113 Sofia

Each participant who needs accommodation in Sofia will get a room according to her/his registration data of arrival and departure.
It is not necessary to contact yourself the House of Scientist.

The prices are:
76 BGN   ~= 39 Euro per night per person for single room accommodation with breakfast,
49 BGN   ~= 25 Euro per night and person for double room accommodation with breakfast

The accommodation should be paid to the House of Scientist on arrival in cash or by debit card (no cheques !).
Note the fixed exchange rate: 1 Euro = 1.95579 Lev (BGN), thus, 1 Lev ~= 0.51 Euro.