Welcome to the webpage of Denitsa Staicova!

On this webpage, you can find the pdfs of my talks, my prof. CV and other random stuff I may add with time. If you want to contact me, you can do it on dstaicova at inrne.bas.bg. Or just find me on Facebook.

My research interests are: Astrophysical jets, Black Hole physics, Quasi-Normal modes, Cosmology, Generalized gravity, Two-measures theory, Minimal Dilaton Gravity, Numerical methods, Maple, Gamma-Ray bursts,Teukolsky perturbation theory, Heun functions, Numerical Relativity

Some of the things I love are: my family, my lovely crazy and sweet dogs, the sea, space exploration, traveling, sci fi (movies and books), poetry, goats, chocolate (cakes, cookies, ice cream, vegan truffles, you get it) … And general strangeness, you know. As in 361 pages book dedicated to bacteria for example. Also meditation and yoga. Lots of love in, lots of love out!

List of (some) presentations:

Title (all the files are PDFs)




Compact stars in Minimal Dilatonic Gravity

Denitsa Staicova, Plamen Fiziev


Talk at Astro-Coffee, ITP, Frankfurt, Germany

Compact stars in Minimal Dilatonic Gravity

Denitsa Staicova, Plamen Fiziev


INRNE seminar, Bulgaria

Minimal Dilatonic Gravity from cosmology to compact massive objects

Denitsa Staicova, Plamen Fiziev


Seminar at Astronomical Institute, BAS

Minimal Dilatonic Gravity from cosmology to compact massive objects

Denitsa Staicova, Plamen Fiziev


Talk at IberiCos-Aranjuez, Spain

The Heun functions and their applications in astrophysics.

Denitsa Staicova, Plamen Fiziev


LT11, Varna

Electromagnetic quasi-normal modes of rotating black holes

Denitsa Staicova, Plamen Fiziev


Poster, 43 years INRNE

Quasi-normal modes of rotating black holes (BG_

Denitsa Staicova


Seminar at INRNE

Numerical modelling of compact static stars in Minimal Dilatonic Gravity

Denitsa Staicova, Plamen Fiziev


Talk at NewCompstar Annual Conference,Istanbul, Turkey

Numerical modelling of compact static stars in Minimal Dilatonic Gravity

Denitsa Staicova, Plamen Fiziev


Poster at EJC, Port Barcares, France

Cosmological aspects of a unified dark energy and dust dark matter model dual to quadratic purely kinetic k-essence

Denitsa Staicova, Mihail Stoilov


Talk at III Congress of Bulgarian Physicists, Sofia

Cosmological aspects of a unified dark energy and dust dark matter model

Denitsa Staicova, Mihail Stoilov


Seminar at INRNE

Cosmological solutions from models with unified dark energy and dark matter and with inflaton field

Denitsa Staicova, Mihail Stoilov


Talk at “QTS X/LT12”, Varna

Cosmological solutions from models with unified dark energy and dark matter and with inflaton field

Denitsa Staicova, Mihail Stoilov


Seminar at INRNE

Applications of the Heun functions in astrophysics

Denitsa Staicova


CERN SEENET-MTP PhD Training in Sofia

Cosmological solutions from two-measures model with inflaton field

Denitsa Staicova, Mihail Stoilov


III Annual workshop QSPACE, 2018 Sofia

Cosmological solutions from two-measures model with inflaton field

Denitsa Staicova, Mihail Stoilov

28-30 May 2018

VI Meeting on Fundamental Cosmology, Granada, 2018

Cosmological solutions from multi-measure model

Denitsa Staicova,


INRNE seminar, Bulgaria

Cosmological solutions from multi-measure model

Denitsa Staicova, Mihail Stoilov


QSPACE 2019, Bratislava

The multi-measure cosmological model and its peculiar effective potential

Denitsa Staicova


Artificial Intelligence methods in Cosmology, Ascona

The multi-measure cosmological model and its peculiar effective potential

Denitsa Staicova


LT13, Varna

The multi-measure cosmological model and its peculiar effective potential , poster

Denitsa Staicova



Testing Late-Time Cosmic Acceleration with uncorrelated Baryon Acoustic Oscillations dataset

David Benisty, Denitsa Staicova


zoom seminar, INRNE

Probing for Lorentz Invariance Violation in Pantheon Plus Dominated Cosmology

Denitsa Staicova


QGMM 5th Annual Conference, Madrid, 2024

Popular articles:

Гравитационните вълни най-сетне засечени! (Gravitational waves finally detected!), сп. Природа, бр. 2, 2016 (pdf)

Professional CV – includes my publications and the independent citations I’ve discovered to this moment

LinkedIn Profile

ResearchGate Profile
