Symmetries and Integrability of Difference Equations (SIDE - 9)
June 14-18, 2010, Varna, BULGARIA
Organized by:
· Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
· Institute of Informatics and Mathematics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
· European Science Foundation
· European Mathematical Society
· European Physical Society
SIDE is a series of biennial conferences on the theory of difference equations, such as finite-difference equations, analytical difference equations and functional difference equations. Difference equations arise in various branches, usually distinct branches of mathematics and physics which they link together - algebraic geometry, complex analysis, representation theory, Galois theory, spectral analysis, the theory of special functions and orthogonal polynomials, graph theory, discrete time quantum systems and quantum mappings, difference geometry, field theory on space-time lattices.
The scientific themes of the conference, organized in sessions and poster sessions cover:
1. Discrete Painleve and Garnier Equations and Nonlinear Special Functions
2. Random Matrix Theory and Isomonodromy Transformations
3. Quantum Discrete Systems and Quantum Geometry
4. Algebraic Theory of Difference Equations and Difference Galois Theory
5. Singularity Confinement, Algebraic Entropy and Nevanlinna Theory
6. Discrete Differential Geometry
7. Elliptic integrable systems & Ellipticized special functions
8. Integrability Detectors
9. Orthogonal Polynomials and Q-difference Equations
10. Symmetries and conservation laws of Discrete Equations -
11. Cluster algebras and Representation theory
Venue - Varna, Bulgaria.
The Conference will take place 14 -18 June 2010 at the International House of Scientists "Frederic Joliot-Curie" (IHS) on the Black Sea coast near Varna. Varna is Bulgaria's third largest city and main naval port. The International House of Scientists is situated in the big international sea-side resort "StSt. Constantine and Elena" to the North-East of Varna (~10km from the city center).
Arrival day - 13 June 2010;
Departure day - 19 June 2010
International Organizing Committee
Vassilis Papageorgiou, (Univ. of Patras),
Claude Viallet, (CNRS, Univ. Paris VI),
Pavel Winternitz, (CRM. Univ. de Montreal),
Boyka Aneva (BAS, Sofia),
Frank Nijhoff (Univ. of Leeds)
Vladimir Gerdjikov, (BAS, Sofia),
Georgi Grahovski, (BAS, Sofia),
Emil Horozov, (BAS and Univ. Sofia),
Plamen Iliev (Georgia Inst.Technology, Atlanta, GA),
Milen Yakimov (Univ.California, Santa Barbara)
Local Organizing Committee
Boyka Aneva (BAS, Sofia),
Vladimir Gerdjikov, (BAS, Sofia),
Georgi Grahovski, (BAS, Sofia),
Tihomir Valchev, (BAS, Sofia),
To attend please send an e-mail to your name, affiliation, research interests, contact details. Please attach to your e-mail the completed registration form.
If you wish to give a talk, please include in the form also a title and abstract.
Applications for talks/posters must arrive by Friday, April 30, 2010. Successful applicants will be notified in early May.
We particularly encourage graduate students and younger researchers to attend the conference. To apply, please attach to your e-mail to for registration as above a short CV and a recommendation letter from your supervisor.
The conference fee is EUR 200 - until March 31 2010 and EUR250 - after this date (It will include organising costs like, book of abstracts, coffee breaks, conference dinner.).
The fee should be transferred to the following bank account:
Account holder:
Institute of Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,
Conference SIDE 9
Bank: UniCredit Bulbank, Sofia, Bulgaria
Branch: Kaloyan
Address: Kaloyan str. 3, 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria
IBAN: BG32 UNCR 7630 3400 0011 78 (in EURO)
IBAN: BG63UNCR76303400000232 (IN USD)
Contact Address and Persons:
INRNE, Bulgarian Academy
of Sciences,
72, Tzarigradsko chaussee,
1784 Sofia, Bulgaria
fax+3592 975 36 19
Vladimir Gerdjikov
tel.+3592 979 5638
Boyka Aneva
tel.+3592 979 5649
For more information please e-mail to:
Georgi Grahovski, INRNE, BG