Name:                   Michail Nikolov Stoilov, Ph.D.
Address (office):   Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy
                              Bulgarian Academy of Science
                              Tzarigradsko Chaussee Blvd.72, Sofia 1784, Bulgaria
                              phone: (359-2) 71-44-437
                              e-mail: MSTOILOV@INRNE.BAS.BG
Address (home):    Mladost 2, bl. 219b, entr. A Sofia 1799, Bulgaria
Data of birth:       15   February 1962
Place of Birth:      Sofia, Bulgaria
Citizenship:          Bulgarian
Marital Status:     Married


Degree (Year)
Inst. Nucl. Research & Nucl. Energy, Sofia
High Energy Physics 
Ph.D. (1994)¹
Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridsky"
M.S.  (1984)²

¹ Supervisor: D.Ts. Stoyanov, D.Sc.
  Field: Theoretical High Energy Physics
  Dissertation Topic: Quantization of Some Exactly Solvable Extended Objects (Strings and Arbitrary-Dimensional  Membranes).
  Methods: BRST quantization, Algebraic cohomology, Static potential, Path integration.

² Diploma Summa Cum Laude
  Field: Nuclear and Elementary Particle Physics.
  Some of the advanced courses included: Quantum Field Theory, Quantum Electrodynamics, Theory of  Electroweak Interaction, General Relativity, Two courses  in Experimental and Theoretical NuclearPhysics, Dosimetry and Radiation Shielding,  Radio Electronics, Nuclear Electronics, Thermodynamics and Statistical   Physics, Theoretical Fluid Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics, Group Theory, Solid State Physics, Atomic Physics, Astrophysics and Astronomy, Numerical Methods, etc.}


1995-Present  Research Staff  Member in Elementary Particle Physics,
 Institute for Nuclear Research & Nuclear Energy, Sofia, Bulgaria 
1991-1995  Junior Research Staff  Member in Elementary Particle Physics,
 Institute for Nuclear Research & Nuclear Energy, Sofia, Bulgaria 
1985 -1988  Junior Research Staff  Member in Environmental Radioactive Monitoring ³
Institute for Nuclear Research & Nuclear Energy, Sofia, Bulgaria 

 ³ Field: Low Activity Gamma Spectroscopy.
   Work included: Pollution monitoring, Monte Carlo simulations, Software design.


1993 European Physical Society Scholarship, Erice, Italy 
1988-1991  INRNE Graduate Fellowship, Sofia, Bulgaria 
1982 Best Bulgarian Student Award, Bulgaria 
1980-1984  Sofia University Student Scholarship, Sofia, Bulgaria 


  1. General Quantum Field Theory, String Theory, Quantum Electrodynamics, Molecule Interactions.
  2. Electronics and Nuclear Measurement Equipment.
  3. Numerical Methods, Monte Carlo Simulations, FORTRAN programming.


  1. L. Sheherov, M. Stoilov, D. Delcheva, G. Stefanov and Ya. Prodanov, Gamma emitters in the environment in south-western Bulgaria during the 1985-86 period, In the proceedings of the conference "Consequences from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant meltdown and activities for enhancing the preparedness for behaviour in increased radioactivity", Sofia, 1987, 98-131 (in Bulgarian)
  2. L. Sheherov, M. Stoilov, D. Delcheva, G. Stefanov and Ya. Prodanov, Artificial gamma emitters and radiational status in environment sampling from Bulgarian Danube-Black Sea territorial complex during 1985-1986}, In the proceedings of the conference "Consequences from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant meltdown and activities for enhancing the preparedness for behaviour in increased radioactivity",  Sofia, 1987, 74-97 (in Bulgarian)
  3. L. Sheherov, M. Stoilov, D. Delcheva, G. Stefanov and Ya. Prodanov, Instrumental methods for determining the content of artificial gamma emitters in the food, In the proceedings of the conference "Consequences from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant meltdown and activities for enhancing the preparedness for behaviour in increased radioactivity", Sofia, 1987, 131-161 (in Bulgarian)
  4. Ya. Prodanov, L. Sheherov, M. Stoilov, D. Delcheva and G. Stefanov, Assessment of the radioactive pollution in south-western Bulgaria after the Chernobyl disaster, Proceedings of the symposium "Radiational damages and radiational studies", part II, Sofia, 1988, 39-51 (in Bulgarian)
  5. M. N. Stoilov and D. Tz. Stoyanov, A model of p-branes with closed constraint algebra, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 23 (1990) 5925
  6.  P. Bozhilov and M. Stoilov, Critical Dimension for a Restricted Bosonic String, Phys. Lett. B293 (1992) 335
  7. M. Stoilov and R. Zaikov, Quantum Effects for Generalised Chern-Simons Type Bosonic Particle and String, Mod. Phys. Lett. A8 (1993) 313
  8. M. Stoilov and R. Zaikov, A Chern-Simons Like String with W-Symmetry, Lett. Math. Phys. 27 (1993) 155
  9. M. Stoilov and R. Zaikov, A U(1) Kac--Moody Model Coupled to 2D-Gravity, Mod. Phys. Lett. A8 (1993) 2687
  10. M. Stoilov,  Critical Dimension for a p-brane with Second  Class Constraints, Phys. Lett. {\bf B316} (1993) 80
  11. M. Stoilov and D. Stoyanov,  A String Model with One Physical State, Mod. Phys. Lett. A9 (1994) 1345
  12. M. Stoilov and R. Zaikov, Central Extension of a New W_infty-Type Algebra, Mod. Phys. Lett. A11 (1996) 877
  13. M.N. Stoilov, On the Connection between Pauli-Villars and Higher Derivative Regularizations, Ann. Physik  7 (1998) 1
  14. M.N. Stoilov, Comment on `Non-Abelian Bosonization and Higher Spin Symmetries',  Mod. Phys. Lett. A13 (1998) 1327-1330
  15. A.D. Mitov, M.N. Stoilov and D.Ts. Stoyanov,  On the Bound States in a Nonlinear Quantum Field Theory of a Spinor Field with Higher Derivatives, Int. J. Mod. Phys.  A14 (1999) 1651-1662
  16. M.N. Stoilov, On the invariant regularization of the Standard model, Phys. Lett. B457 (1999) 311
  17. D. Bakalov, M. Stoilov, E. Tchoukova, B. Jeziorski, T. Korona, K. Szalewicz, Density effects in antiprotonic helium, Phys.Rev. Lett.        (2000)