Nedialka Ilieva Stoilova

Position | Areas of interest | Co-authors |


I am a full professor in the Department of Theoretical Physics at the Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy.

Areas of interest

Group theoretical methods in Physics. Representation theory of Lie algebras, Lie superalgebras and quantum algebras with application in quantum statistics. List of publications | List of references


N. Balabanov | R. Chakrabarti | M.D. Gould | P.S. Isaac | E.I. Jafarov | R.C. King | N.A. Ky | S. Lievens | T.D. Palev | J. Van der Jeugt
Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy
"Tsarigradsko Chaussee" 72
1784 Sofia, Bulgaria
phone: +359 2 9795642
telefax: +359 2 9753619

Last update: July 2023