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Energy Policies in Bulgaria - Expert's Positions

    In view of the currently ongoing heated debate and controversies regarding the long-term energy policies in Bulgaria here we offer links to several publications containing professional, based on solid scientific background, expert positions on the latter controversial issues. These expert positions are mainly authored (in Bulgarian) by the leading Bulgarian energy scientist Dr. Habil. Plamen Tsvetanov - Professor Emeritus at the Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

    Needless to say, we as members of the Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy unconditionally support the vision that nuclear power is currently the most efficient source of energy for humanity, especially for countries with limited natural resources.

    We reject outright the Western leftist propaganda against nuclear energy. Yet we think one should always carefully weigh the blessings of nuclear power versus other fundamentally important factors - both physical (climatological, seismological, environmental, etc.) and social-economic, even political ones - especially, avoiding excessive dependence on one sole foreign technology and supply of raw resources. Therefore, we are firmly convinced that it is worth listening to what the leading respectable energy experts have to say about the energy strategy controversies:





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