15 February 2024, 13:15 (EET), ЧЕТВЪРТЪК, ЗАЛА 300 НА ИЯИЯЕ
- Prof. Jean-Pierre Gazeau (APC, Université Paris Cité)
- Title: Tsallis distribution as a Λ-deformation of the Maxwell-Juttner distribution
- Abstract:
So far, no consensus really exists about a consistent thermodynamics within the special relativity framework. However, with the assumption that the inverse temperature 4-vector β is future-directed timelike, I show how the q-dependent Tsallis distribution might beviwed as a de-Sitterian deformation of the relativistic Maxwell-Juttner distribution. The curvature of the de Sitter space-time is √(Λ/3) where Λ is the cosmological constant as part of the ΛCDM standard model for Cosmology. For a simple gas consisting of particles of proper mass m, and within a quantum statistical de Sitterian context, we propose the following relation between the Tsallis parameter q and the cosmological constant: q = 1 + ħ√Λ / mcn. where n is a positive numerical factor.
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- Slides