Bulgarian Academy of Sciences   and   University of Sofia

Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy (BAS)
Faculty of Physics (Univ. Sofia)


"Algebraic Methods in Quantum Field Theory"

50 Years of Mathematical Physics in Bulgaria

on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of Ivan Todorov

15 - 16 May 2009, Sofia, Bulgaria

The Proceedings were edited by V.K. Dobrev and appeared as an issue of Bulgarian Journal of Physics:
Bulg. J. Phys. 36 (2009) 147-236


The Programme includes the following Speakers:

Michel Dubois-Violette (Univ. Orsay): "Generalized Homology and Its Applications"
Emil Horozov (Univ. Sofia): "Calogero-Moser Spaces and Representation Theory"
Victor Kac (MIT): "Finite and Affine Cubic Dirac Operators"
Gerhard Mack (Univ. Hamburg): "D-Dimensional Conformal Field Theories with Anomalous Dimensions as Dual Resonance Models"
Nikolay Nikolov (INRNE): "Anomalies in Quantum Field Theory and Cohomologies of Configuration Spaces"
Valentina Petkova (INRNE): "Boundaries and Defect Lines in 2D Conformal Field Theories"
Karl-Henning Rehren (Univ. Goettingen): "CFT in Various Dimensions"

Conference Venues:

On May 15 the Conference will take place in Lecture Hall 300 of the Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy (BAS).
On May 16 the Conference will take place in Lecture Hall 44 of the Faculty of Physics (Univ. Sofia).

Friday May 15: Talks begin in the morning at 9:45
Saturday, May 16: Talks end in the afternoon at 16:30

The full Schedule is here.

Presentations (not all yet)

On the occasion of the anniversary a two-volume set with papers mostly by Ivan Todorov was published with Heron Press.
The   Contents   and the   Covers   can be seen here:  Volume 1,   Volume 2.


- Institute of Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy
- Contract "Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics"
- Contract "Euclid"

Organizing Committee:

V.K. Dobrev (Chairman), P. Fiziev, A. Ganchev (Scientific Secretary), L. Hadjiivanov, M. Mateev, E. Nissimov, T. Palev

Address for correspondence:

Prof. V.K. Dobrev
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy
72 Tsarigradsko Chaussee
1784 Sofia

Phone: +359 2 9795530
Fax: +359 2 9753619
E-mail: dobrev@inrne.bas.bg

Last modified: 23 December 2009