Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy

XVI. International Workshop




16 - 22 June 2025, Varna, Bulgaria

Scope and Topics:

The meeting covers the whole field of Lie Theory in its widest sense together with its applications in many facets of physics. As interface between mathematics and physics the workshop serves as a meeting place for mathematicians and theoretical and mathematical physicists.
The first three workshops were organised in Clausthal (1995,1997,1999), the 4th, 6th and 12th were part of the 2nd, 4th, 10th Symposium 'Quantum Theory and Symmetries' in Cracow (2001), Varna (2005, 2017), the 5th, the 7-th to 11-th, the 13-th & 15th were organised in Varna (2003,2007,2009,2011,2013,2015,2019,2023), the 14-th was on-line in Sofia (2021), for more details on the LT series see: http://theo.inrne.bas.bg/~dobrev/

The preliminary programme includes the following topics:

- Representation Theory
- Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory
- Langlands correspondence
- Cluster Algebras, Quiver Representations
- Quantum Computing, Machine Learning, Entanglement
- Infinite-Dimensional Lie Groups and Algebras
- Superalgebras and Supergroups
- Quantum Groups and Noncommutative Geometry
- Invariant Differential Operators
- Operator Algebras
- Symmetries of Linear and Nonlinear PDO
- Special Functions
- Symmetries in String Theory
- Quantum Gravity
- Supergravity
- Conformal Field Theories
- Integrable Systems
- Relativistic and Nonrelativistic Holography
- Neural Networks, Deep Learning
- Quantum, Gauge, Field Theories
- Noncommutative Quantum Theories
- Symmetries in Dynamical Systems
- Symmetries in Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics

International Advisory Committee:

L. Accardi (Rome)
L. Bonora (SISSA)
A. Connes (IHES)
A. Dabholkar (ICTP)
R. Dijkgraaf (IAS)
M.R. Douglas (Rutgers)
S. Ferrara (CERN)
A.M. Fino (Torino)
K. Fredenhagen (Hamburg)
E. Ivanov (JINR)
M. Jimbo (Tokyo)
V.G. Kac (MIT)
L.H. Kauffman (Chicago)
T. Kobayashi (Tokyo)
C. Kristjansen (Niels Bohr Inst.)
A. Morozov (Moscow)
W. Nahm (DIAS)
H. Nicolai (Potsdam)
G. Panova (USC, LA)
N. Reshetikhin (Beijing & St. Petersburg)
A. Sudbery (York)
I.T. Todorov † 14 February 2025 (Sofia)
E. Witten (Princeton)

International Steering Committee:

C. Burdik (Prague)
S. Catto (New York)
V.K. Dobrev (Sofia, Chair)
B. Dragovich (Belgrade)
G.S. Pogosyan † 2nd July 2024 (Yerevan and Guadalajara)

Monday, June 16: Arrival and registration in the afternoon
Tuesday, June 17: Talks begin in the morning
Saturday, June 21: Talks end in the late afternoon
Sunday, June 22: Departure

Conference Site and Travel:

The Conference site is situated in the resort area extending to the north-east of Varna on the Black Sea Coast. Varna is Bulgaria's third largest city and main naval port. The most convenient way to travel from abroad is by plane to Varna airport. In the summer there are many regular (daily) flights to Varna from many European cities and regular daily flights from Sofia (Bulgaria's capital). The latter is connected with Europe's major cities by regular daily flights. Travel by train is to Varna railway station. The airport (railway station) is about 20 km (10 km) from the Conference site with direct bus connections. Detailed travel information will be given later.

The registration procedure will be announced and start in the beginning of March 2025, the registration deadline will be at the end of April 2025.

Address for correspondence:

Prof. V.K. Dobrev
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy
72 Tsarigradsko Chaussee
1784 Sofia

Phone: +359 2 9795530
Fax: +359 2 9753619
E-mail:   dobrev@inrne.bas.bg,  vkdobrev@yahoo.com,
dobrev@ictp.it (back-up)

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Last update 15.2.2025.

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