Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy

VII. International Workshop




18 - 24 June 2007, Varna, Bulgaria

The   LT-7 Proceedings volume   is in print and here you can see the   Cover  and the   Contents.
Very soon the volume will be sent to every contributor. For the mailing the Publisher will use the postal address given in the contribution, thus, if some contributor has given incomplete address, she/he should e-mail us a complete address as soon as possible.


Preliminary Schedule of Talks
(as of 19 June 2007)

Titles of Scientific Contributions
   (Booklet with Abstracts was given in Varna.)

List of Participants

Scope and Topics:

The meeting covers the whole field of Lie Theory in its widest sense together with its applications in many facets of physics. As interface between mathematics and physics the workshop serves as a meeting place for mathematicians and theoretical and mathematical physicists.
The first three workshops were organised in Clausthal (1995,7,9), the 4th was part of the 2nd Symposium 'Quantum Theory and Symmetries' in Cracow (2001), the 5th was organised in Varna (2003) http://theo.inrne.bas.bg/~dobrev/LT-5. The 6th was part of the 4th Symposium 'Quantum Theory and Symmetries' in Varna (2005), but has its own volume of Proceedings, http://theo.inrne.bas.bg/~dobrev/qts-4.
The preliminary programme includes the following topics:

- Representation Theory
- Infinite-Dimensional Lie Groups and Algebras
- Quantum Groups
- Superalgebras
- Special Functions
- Symmetries in String Theory
- Supergravity
- Gauge, Noncommutative, Conformal Field Theories
- Integrable Systems
- Symmetries in Dynamical Systems
- Symmetries in Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics

An independent activity is the   2nd Workshop on "Quantum Systems Related to Noncommutative Geometries, Their Symmetries and Evolution Equations"   associated with LT-7. This Workshop is sponsored by the   Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Germany)   through a tri-lateral Collaboration Clausthal-Leipzig-Sofia. The Workshop is organized by the leaders of the three nodes of the Collaboration (Doebner, G. Rudolph, Dobrev) and will be represented by several speakers (designated by AvH).

Preliminary list of speakers:

Luigi Accardi (Rome U.2), Anton Alekseev* (Geneva U.), Maarten Bergvelt (U. Illinois, Urbana), Andreas Boukas (Amer. Coll. Athens), Ali Chamseddine (Amer. U. Beirut), Alain Connes* (IHES), Ed Corrigan (York U.), Alessandro D`Andrea (Rome U.1), Ludwig Faddeev* (LOMI, St.Peterburg), Rainald Flume (U. Bonn), Harald Grosse (Vienna U.), Kazuki Hasebe (Takuma NCT), Gerard Helminck (U. Twente), Johannes Huebschmann (U. Lille), Victor Kac (MIT), Gizem Karaali (Claremont), Louis Kauffman (U. Illinois), Remi Leandre (U. Bourgogne), Stijn Lievens (U. Gent), Rainer Matthes (Warsaw U.), Jouko Mickelsson (Helsinki U.), Alexander Molev (U. Sydney), Werner Nahm* (Dublin IAS), Frederic Patras (U. Nice), Detlev Poguntke (U. Bielefeld), Seif Randjbar-Daemi (ICTP), Karl-Henning Rehren (Goettingen U.), Christoph Schweigert* (Hamburg U.), Ivan Todorov (BAS, Sofia), Valeriy Tolstoy (Moscow U.), Francesco Toppan (Rio de Janeiro), Mario Trigiante (Turin), Joris Van der Jeugt (U. Gent), Katrin Wendland (U. Augsburg), Julius Wess* (Munich U.), Milen Yakimov (UC Santa Barbara), Hiromichi Yamada (Tokyo), Cosmas Zachos (ANL), Marco Zagermann (MPI Munich), (* = to be confirmed).
More speakers will be announced as they register.


- Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy
- Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics
- Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

Monday, June 18: Arrival and registration in the afternoon
Tuesday, June 19: Talks begin in the morning
Saturday, June 23: Talks end in the late afternoon
Sunday, June 24: Departure

Conference Site:

The Workshop will take place at the Guest House of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences on the Black Sea coast near Varna. Varna is Bulgaria's third largest city and main naval port.
The participants will be accommodated in the Guest House or in the neighbouring hotel "Vezhen". Everybody will have breakfast at his hotel, lunch and dinner at the Guest House. The Guest House is in resort "Chaika" situated between two of Bulgaria's best coastal resorts "St. Constantine and Elena" (formerly "Druzhba") and "Golden Sands". The formal address of the Guest House is:
Resort "Chaika", bus-stop "Journalist", Guest-House of BAS - to see this in Bulgarian click here.

Travel information:

The most convenient way to travel from abroad is by plane to Varna airport. In the summer there are many regular (daily) flights to Varna from many European cities and regular daily flights from Sofia (Bulgaria's capital). The latter is connected with Europe's major cities by regular daily flights. Travel by train is to Varna railway station. The airport (railway station) is about 25 km (10 km) from the Conference site with direct bus connection - see overall map Map1.
For a detailed map of the neighbourhood of the GH click here. This second map shows the GH (on the map it is called: "Pochivna baza BAN"), hotel "Vezhen" (on the map it is called: "Hotelski Kompleks Vezhen"), the House of Journalists (on the map it is called: "Hotelski Kompleks Zhurnalist"), in front of which is the nearest bus stop to the Guest House as mentioned in the address above. The Guest House is 50m uphill from this stop. It is a stop for buses # 9,109,409 (though only # 9 is shown on Map1). Most frequent and useful are:   # 409 which is a bus line from Varna airport to "Golden Sands" stopping also at the Varna bus station and at Resort "St. Konstantin and Elena" (though peripherally!);   # 109 which is a bus line from the city center (direction "Golden Sands") stopping at Varna railway station. The bus stop for line 109 at Varna railway station is shown on this map.
Taxis are cheap in principle (around 0.6 Lev (= 0.31 Euro) per km) but the taxi-drivers will try to cheat you, and there are companies with higher prices! Insist on the counter (meter) running and pay by what it shows!
For participants who would like to use a taxi and whose arrival date (> June 17-th:), time and carrier is known we shall arrange on request  pre-ordered taxis (sometimes with a member of the Organizing Committee) which will carry the logo of the conference:   LT-7  ; maybe the driver will carry this logo.




International Organizing Committee:

H.-D. Doebner (Clausthal) and V.K. Dobrev (Sofia) in collaboration with G. Rudolph (Leipzig)

Local Organizing Committee:

V.K. Dobrev (Chairman), D.L. Arnaudov, V.I. Doseva, P. Kiratsov, P.B. Konstantinov, P. Petkov, T.V. Popov, E.P. Puncheva, T. Stefanova, M.N. Stoilov, S.T. Stoimenov

Address for correspondence:

Prof. V.K. Dobrev
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy
72 Tsarigradsko Chaussee
1784 Sofia

Phone: +359 2 9795530
Fax: +359 2 9753619
E-mail: dobrev@inrne.bas.bg
ptvd@pt.tu-clausthal.de (back-up)

Last update: 15 May 2008