page of D. Trifonov
Bulgarian alphabets
(Jan 2005),
Written monuments
(May 2005)
Cyrillic, Glagolithic, Preglagolithic
1. Aethicus Ister's
alphabet (4 c. AD); 2. Ulphila's "gothic" alphabet (4 c.
3. Glagolithic (Glagolitza) (9 c. AD); 4.
(Kirilitza) (9 c. AD);
5. Present-day Bulgarian alphabet (Bulgarian Cyrillic).
* Copy of Fig. 2 of the paper B. Peychev, Filosofska misal, 1979, issue 2, p. 72-85. (in Bulgarian), which reproduces a page of St. Hieronimus translation of the Aethicus Cosmography, edited by H. Wutke (Leipzig, 1853). It is believed that Aethicus has written his Cosmography with these letters in a Slavic (Bulgarian(?)) language. The author Peychev (Pejtscheff)
argues that the Glagolithic, which was used in Croatia even in 19 c. AD, is an amended (by Saint. Hieronymus, 4 c.
AD) version of Aethicus Ister alphabet. |
<>. ![]() . ---------------------------------------- The first two phrases after the Alphabet: 'Explicit liber Aethici phylosophi cosmographi natione Schitica nobile prosapia parentum. Ab eo enim ethica philosophia a reliquis sapientibus originem traxit;' (the phrases are believed to belong to St. Hieronymus). ---------------------------------------- > |
2. Ulphila's "Gothic" alphabet (26 letters ) (see characters also in http://tribal.abv.bg). Invented by Bishop Ulfila (Ulphila,
or Wulfila - 4 c. AD) in Roman
town Nicopolis ad Istrum, the present
village Nikup in the central northern part of Bulgaria (20 km north
from the former capital Veliko Tarnovo). Interesting research articles about
Ulfila, Aryans, ‘Goths’ and ‘Geths’ can be found in the
very recent book ‘Goti
i Geti’ (Editor
(and author of the main research paper) A. Chilingirov, ‘Ziezi ex quo Vulgares’ Publishers, Sofia 2005 (in
Bulgarian)). In particular the correct name Urphila is noted (by A. Chilingirov) there
instead of commonly used
Ulphila (Ulfila) and Wulphila (Wulfila).. |
3. Glagolithic (41 characters) (see example of Bulgarian old glagolithic text (the end of 10 c. AD) Zograph monastery Gospel ) It is almost commonly accepted
that the Glagolithic was created by Saint Constantine-Cyril the
philosopher in the middle of 9 c. AD in connection with his mission in
Moravia. However some scholars argue that the Glagolithic may be
regarded as an amended and extended version of the Aethicus -
Hieronymus alphabet (Preglagolithic, see e.g. item 1. above). |
4. Cyrillic (33 letters) (see letters also in http://tribal.abv.bg, and an example of Bulgarian old cyrillic text Napissanie. The latter is a later transcript of a literary work by St. Constantine-Cyril himself) In the Chernorizetz Hrabar
narrative "O pismeneh" (9 c. AD) it is said that Saint Cyril invented
38 letters. There are at least three assertions about the origin
of the Cyrillic alphabet: |
5. The present day Bulgarian alphabet (Bulgarian Cyrillic, 30 letters) (see letters with Cyrillic (Windows)
encoding) |
· The first known text written with Aethicus ‘Preglagolitic’ probably is that of Aethicus
Cosmography dated the middle of 4 c. AD. The Cosmography is translated
into Latin by St. Heronimus. The translator didn’t point out the original
However many historians accept (Hrabanus, Perz, Wuttke,
Pejachevich – see the B. Peychev paper, cited above) that the author, ‘the native schytian of noble
descendence’ is of Slavic origin. Therefore it is natural to accept
that the
Cosmography was first written in a Slavic (Old Bulgarian) language.
A comparison between the above provided alphabets shows some
common features
of Glagolithic and Aethicus letters. However if one compares the latter
the characters of the so called 'Asparukh and Kuber Bulgarians
('proto-Bulgarian alphabet'), provided in the P. Dobrev, book The
of the Asparukh and Kuber bulgarians ("Ogledalo"
Publishers, Sofia, 1995 (in Bulgarian)) (see also the web-pages P.
Dobrev ) one would discover
much more
common features (however there are no fully coinciding letters).
Stone inscriptions with characters of ‘proto-Bulgarian
(provided and argued in the Dobrev book, and in the
web-pages) are discovered e.g. in
Dobrudzha (village
Murfatlar, Romanian Dobrudzha). The Murfatlar incriptions have been
published by Romanian historians ( I. Barnea, S. Stefanescu, Bizantini, romani
si bulgari la Dunarea de Jos , Din Istoria Dobrudgei, v. III,
· First texts
written with Ulphila ‘Gothic’ alphabet: It is accepted that this is the Bible, translated
from Greek in the middle of 4 c. AD by the 'west gothic' bishop Ulphila
(in the Nicopolis ad Istrum in central Moesia (present Bulgaria). This
Bible is considered as the first literary monument of the German
culture. The
oldest available transcript of the translation known as Codex
was made around a 100 years later in Ravena [see
e.g. E. Staycheva, Literaturen forum, 12 (2002) 496 (electronic
, in Bulgarian)] (Addition, November 2006: see the recent response
to E. Staycheva article by prof. Assen Tschilingirov at
http://oshte.info/004/11/0511/02.htm , where quite different thesis about Ulphila and
"Gothic alphabet" is argued).
The alphabet pictures provided here reveal large similarity, including
coinciding letters, between Ulphila alphabet and the Cyrillic one.
Many respectful
scholars, ancient and modern ones (in
particular Jordanes (6 c. AD) and G. Tzenoff and S. Lesnoy (20 c. AD) –
see e.g. the above cited new book “Goti i Geti” (‘Goths and Geths’ ) by A.
Chilingirov and the extensive bibliography there in) identify
Goths from the lower
Danube and Black sea area with the Geths of the same territory, and not
with the German (Teuton) Goths (Gothones). In the light of this the Aryan
bishop Ulphila (Urphila), and his alphabet are
‘Gethic’. In the middle ages narratives the terms ‘Geths’ (Getas),
‘Goths’ (Gothos) or ‘Schyths' (Schitians) are frequently used for Thracs
(Thracians), Slavs or Bulgarians.
For example, St. Hieronimus
(4 c. AD, the translator of the Aethicus Cosmopgraphy) writes about
‘seven Getic
or Gothic tribes which live in
the north, since Getas are called by the learned men
Gothos’ (‘Et certe Gothos omnes retro erudity, magis Getas …
appellare…’ -- this citation is taken
from the G. Tzenoff book “The Huns”, Sofia, 2002 (first edition in
1940)), while
on his World map St. Hieronimus notes ‘Moesia this is (also) Bulgaria’
Misia hec et Vulgaria’)).
On the other hand it is commonly accepted that in the 4 c. AD
Gothos (in particular the gothic bishop Ulphila) lived in Moesia. Thus,
it appears that in the 4 c. AD Moesian Gothos are Getas, and at those
times Moesia is also known as Bulgaria. (Note that in old narratives
Vulgaria = Bulgaria: the change B --> V comes from Greek, where
sound B is missing, the character B being pronounced as V).
Let us provide one more citation: on p. 55 in the above mentioned G.
Tzenoff' book one reads the following citation from the 6 c. AD
Ravennati Cosmographus: 'Jordanes has told him "In Thrace, Macedonia
and Moesia Inferior Bulgarians live only" ('Inter vero Thraciam vel Macedoniam
et Mysiam inferiorem modo Bulgari habitant'. Ravennati
Cosmographus, IV, 6.)'.
· First texts
written with Glagolithic or Cyrillic alphabet. The saint brothers Cyril and Methodius
translate from Greek several divine service books
gospel’, ‘Optional Apostle’, ‘Psalter and Selected ecclesiastical books’)
and create new products (‘Words about the transfer
of the relics of Clement of Rome’,
‘Canon in honour of Dimitrius of
Thessaloniki’ etc.),
some of which are first written in Greek (e.g.
‘Words about the transfer of the relics ... ’), and later translated. One
can suppose that the translations are
written with glagolithic letters. The point is that late cyrillic
(after 12 c. AD) of these translations
(and of other products of that period)
have come to us only (
see for example a later cyrillic transcript of Constantine-Cyril work
'Napissanie na pravata vyara' ('Writ of the right belief'). One finds only some traces of glagolithic in
cyrillic transcripts (e.g.
in ‘St Methodius Extensive hagiography’, in K. Preslavski
‘Alphabetical prayer’, in ‘Bitolski tripod of 12 c.’ – see D. Petkanova,
Konstantin Kiril --
Dennitsa na slavjanskia rod, ‘Narodna prosveta’ Publishers,
Sofia, 1983 (in Bulgarian)). Text works written with glagolithic letters
are also found, however they are dated from 10th or later centuries,
and their authors usualy are unknown. Such are the Assemann Gospel
(found in 1736, dated from the end of 10th century), the Zograph monastery Gospel (found in 1843, dated from 10th century), etc.
The products and translations made by the authors of the famous
Preslav literary school [K. Preslavski (Constantine of Preslav), Joan (John)
Exarch, king Simeon the Great and others] are written with cyrillic
One mostly
asserts that the language of the first
translations is Slavic.
However one finds assertions about Bulgarian
language as well. In the so-called Second hagiography of Naum one
reads: “After performing the liturgy on
all books translated from Greek into Bulgarian language, the Pope
showed them
to all …” (the Pope is Hadrian whom Cyril and Methodius
presented the books
to). This hagiography is dated 10 c.
AD, it came to us as a transcript of 16 c., and its author is unknown.
In the
so-called Brief hagiography of Cyril (the author unknown, transcript of
16 c.)
we read: “He was native
Bulgarian”, and next “And created for them letters in
Slavic language”. Assertions about
translation into Slavic language: In
the ‘Methodius Extensive hagiography’ (with
author St Clement of Ohrid (Kliment Ohridski) or Constantine of Preslav
known according to so called Uspenski transcript of 12 c.) we find that emperor Mikhail
said to Cyril: “You are from
Thessaloniki, and all Thessalonians speak pure Slavic”.
St Clement of Ohrid determines himself as a
“Slavic bishop”. The men of letters
from the so-called Simeon Circle (Preslav literary school)
write that they translate from Greek into
Slavic. Their translations too are known from later transcripts [see
collection A Reader on Old Bulgarian Literature, “Nauka i
izkustvo” Publishers,
Sofia, 1967, Eds: P. Dinekov, K. Kuev,
D. Petkanova (in Bulgarian)].
Most earlier
stone inscriptions with cyrillic,
glagolithic and proto-bulgarian letters are
found in Preslav area and Dobrudzha
(Dobruja), in
the Murfatlar
small churches again. Short incriptions with glagolithic letters, and with a
mixture of cyrillic and proto-bulgarian letters were found in
Preslav (the Bulgaria old capital, 9 - 10 cc.). The language
of some of the above
mentioned inscriptions is Slavic, while of some
other ones it is a mixture of Slavic and Proto-Bulgarian. ( see copies and
explanation (in English) in the electronic pages P.Dobrev
· Other `Primary Bulgarian inscriptions’.
are several valuable written monuments (texts) from the period 9 - 10
c. AD,
known as 'primary Bulgarian', which are written in greek and
carved on
stones, stone plates or columns. Such are the following:
1) 'The
Tarnovo inscription of khan Omurtag' (816 - 831 AD), carved on a
available in the 'St 40 martyrs' church in Tarnovo ("... The man even well
lived, dies and another one is born ... ");
2) 'Chatalar inscription of khan Omurtag', found in 1905 in village
Khan Krum
near the town Shumen;
3) 'Chronicle inscription of khan Malamir', carved on a column, found
4) 'Inscription of king Boris from Balshi', found in village Balshi,
5) 'The Name-list of
primary Bulgarian rulers’ ( 'Name-list of Bulgarian khans', or 'Name-list of Bulgarian kings' ).
A transcript of this Name-list was found and published by Russian scholar
A. Popov in 1866. It is not quite clear
when it had been written, in which language (Greek, proto- or
old-Bulgarian), and what kind of a document was the original
inscription. [ For
details see e.g. the books (in Bulgarian): Mosko Moskov, Imennik na
balgarskite hanove (novo talkuvane), "P. Beron" Publishers,
Sofia, 1988; Ivan Bogdanov, Imennik na balgarskite hanove,
"Otechestven Front" Publishers, Sofia, 1981.
The here provided Uvarov
transcript is a copy from the above cited book
A Reader on Old Bulgarian Literature.
The reader can see that the text in this
copy is written in Old Bulgarian language (known also as Old Church Slavonic language),
except for several pairs of words, characterizing probably the birth year (or the time) of the corresponding
'knyaz' (king).
Those pairs of words can be transcribed, in the order of their appearence, as follows:   'dilom tvirem'
(the year of Avitokhol, of his successor Irnik, and of Kormisosh), 'dokhs tvirem' (the year of Gostun), 'shegor vechem' (the year of Kurt / Kubrat),
'shegor vem' (the year of Bezmer), 'vereni alem' (the year of Esperih / Asparuh), 'tekuchitem tvirem'
(the year of Terven / Tervel), 'dvansh shehtem' (the year of ??), 'tokh altom' (the year of Sevar),
'shegor alem' (the year of Vineh), 'somor altem' (the year of Teletz), and 'dilom toutom' (the year of Oumor).
in Bulgarian
in Russian
page of D.A.
Jan 2005.
2005: 'written monuments', a reference and some JPG added.
2007:  minor text additions