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LIST OF PUBLICATIONS1. E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Feynman Rules and Renormalization of the Haag Series and Retarded Funtions", Bulgarian Journal of Physics 2 (1975) 323-335 2. P.P. Kulish and E.R. Nissimov, "Anomalies of Quantum Currents in Exactly Solvable Models", Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 29 (1976) 161-170 (in Russian) 3. P.P. Kulish and E.R. Nissimov, "Conservation Laws in Sine-Gordon and Massive Thirring Models", Letters to J.E.T.P. 24 (1976) 247-250 (in Russian) 4. E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Nonlocal Quasipotential Equations in Terms of Retarded Functions", Bulgarian Journal of Physics 4 (1977) 101-113 5. E. Nissimov, "Infinite Set of Conservation Laws in the Quantum Sine-Gordon and the Massive Thirring Models", Bulgarian Journal of Physics 4 (1977) 113-125 6. I.Ya. Arefeva, P.P. Kulish, E.R. Nissimov and S.J. Pacheva, "Infinite Set of Conservation Laws of the Quantum Chiral Field in Two-Dimensional Space-Time", LOMI Sci. Report E-I-1978, 29 p. 7. E.R. Nissimov and S.J. Pacheva, "Generalized Nonlinear Sigma Models and Universality in Three Dimensions. 1. ``Soft Mass'' Renormalization of the 1/N Expansion", Bulgarian Journal of Physics 6 (1979) 610-622 8. E.R. Nissimov, "On the Class of Two-Dimensional Scalar Supersymmetric Models with Higher Quantum Conservation Laws", Bulgarian Journal of Physics 6 (1979) 604-609 9. E.R. Nissimov and S.J. Pacheva, "Chiral Field Model and Universality in Three-Dimensional Space. I", Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 41 (1979) 55-68 (in Russian); pp. 882-891 (Engl. Transl.) 10. E.R. Nissimov and S.J. Pacheva, "Chiral Field Model and Universality in Three-Dimensional Space. II", Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 41 (1979) 220-235 (in Russian); pp. 987-997 (Engl. Transl.) 11. E.R. Nissimov and S.J. Pacheva, "Backlund Transformation for the Classical Massive Thirring Model", Comptes Rendus de l'Academie Bulgare des Sciences 32 (1979) 1191-1195 12. E.R. Nissimov and S.J. Pacheva, "Phase Transition and Particle Spectrum in Three-Dimensional Generalized Nonlinear Sigma Models and Higgs Models from 1/N Expansion.", Comptes Rendus de l'Academie Bulgare des Sciences 32 (1979) 1475-1478 13. E.R. Nissimov and S.J. Pacheva, "Generalized Nonlinear Sigma Models and Universality in Three Dimensions. 2. Scaling Limit and Critical Behavior", Bulgarian Journal of Physics 7 (1980) 16-27 14. E.R. Nissimov, "Higher Local Quantum Conserved Currents in Two-Dimensional Scalar Supersymmetric Models", Nuclear Physics B163 (1980) 374-396 15. I.Ya. Arefeva, E.R. Nissimov and S.J. Pacheva, "BPHZL Renormalization of 1/N Expansion and Critical Behavior of the Three-Dimensional Chiral Field", Communications in Mathematical Physics 71 (1980) 213-246 16. E.R. Nissimov, "Higher Quantum Conserved Current in a New Completely Integrable Model", Letters in Mathematical Physics 4 (1980) 405-411 17. E.R. Nissimov and S.J. Pacheva, "Phase Transition and 1/N Expansion in (2+1)-Dimensional Supersymmetric Sigma Models", Letters in Mathematical Physics 5 (1981) 67-74 18. E.R. Nissimov and S.J. Pacheva, "Renornalization of the 1/N Expansion and Critical Behaviour of (2+1)-Dimensional Supersymmetric Sigma Models", Letters in Mathematical Physics 5 (1981) 333-340 19. A. Maheshwari, E.R. Nissimov and I.T. Todorov "Classical and Quantum Two Body Problem in General Relativity", Letters in Mathematical Physics 5 (1981) 359-366 (arxiv.org link) 20. E.R. Nissimov and S.J. Pacheva, "Nonperturbative Renormalization Group Functions in (2+1)-Dimensional Supersymmetric Gauge Theories", Letters in Mathematical Physics 6 (1982) 101-108 ; erratum 8 (1984) 347 21. E.R. Nissimov and S.J. Pacheva, "Dynamical Generation of Topologically Massive Three-Dimensional Gauge Fields and Composite Fermions", Letters in Mathematical Physics 6 (1982) 361-371 22. E.R. Nissimov and S.J. Pacheva, "Dynamical Generation of Topologically Massive Three-Dimensional Gauge Fields and Composite Particles", in "Quarks-82", pp. 161-166, A.N. Tavkhelidze et,al. eds, USSR Acad. Sci. (1983) 23. E.R. Nissimov and S.J. Pacheva, "Nontrivial Fixed Points in Three-Dimensional Abelian Higgs Models with Fermions", Letters in Mathematical Physics 8 (1984) 239-247 ; erratum 10 (1985) 333-334 24. E.R. Nissimov and S.J. Pacheva, "Three-Dimensional Gauge Theories with Fermions", in "Elementary Particles and Mathematical Physics", pp. 154-164, Festschrift to Prof. Chr.Christov's 70th anniversary, I.T. Todorov et.al. eds., Bulg. Acad. Sci. Press (1988) 25. E.R. Nissimov and S.J. Pacheva, "On Large N Fixed Points of U(N) Symmetric (Phi* Phi)^3_d=3 Coupled to Fermions", Physics Letters B139 (1984) 379 26. E.R. Nissimov and S.J. Pacheva, "Dynamical Breakdown and Restoration of Parity Versus Axial Anomaly in Three Dimensions", Physics Letters B146 (1985) 227-232 ; erratum B160 (1985) 431- 27. E.R. Nissimov and S.J. Pacheva, "Axial Anomalies in Odd Dimensions", in "XIII Int. Conf. Differential Geometric Methods in Theoretical Physics", pp. 198-209, H. Doebner amd T. Palev eds., World Scientific (1986) 28. E.Sh. Egorian, E.R. Nissimov and S.J. Pacheva, "Anomalies in Spaces of Even and Odd Dimensions in the Scheme of Stochastic Quantization", Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 73 (1987) 362-378 (in Russian); 1274-1286 (English Transl.) 29. E.R. Nissimov and S.J. Pacheva, "Parity Violating Anomalies in Supersymmetric Gauge Theories", Physics Letters B155 (1985) 76-82 30. E.R. Nissimov and S.J. Pacheva, "Boundary Effects and Interplay Between Spontaneous and Anomalous Breaking of Parity in Odd Dimensions", Physics Letters B157 (1985) 407-412 31. E.R. Nissimov and S.J. Pacheva, "Anomalous Generation of Chern-Simons Terms in D = 3, N=2 Supersymmetric Gauge Theories", Letters in Mathematical Physics 11 (1986) 43-49 32. E.Sh. Egorian, E.R. Nissimov and S.J. Pacheva, "Chiral Anomalies in the Stochastic Quantization Scheme", Letters in Mathematical Physics 11 (1986) 209-216 33. E.R. Nissimov and S.J. Pacheva, "Comment on Chiral Fermions in Stochastic Quantization", Letters in Mathematical Physics 11 (1986) 373-378 34. E.R. Nissimov and S.J. Pacheva, "Topological Quantization of Physical Parameters, Global Anomalies and the Stochastic Scheme", Physics Letters B171 (1986) 267-270 35. R. Kirschner, E.R. Nissimov and S.J. Pacheva, "Conserved Noether Currents in Stochastic Quantization", Physics Letters B174 (1986) 324-330 36. E.R. Nissimov and S.J. Pacheva, "Nonperturbative Inconsistency of Stochastic Quantization in Odd Dimensions", Letters in Mathematical Physics 13 (1987) 219-227 37. E.R. Nissimov and S.J. Pacheva, "Quantization of the N=1,2 Superparticle with Irreducible Constraints", Physics Letters B189 (1987) 57-62 38. S.N. Kalitzin, E.R. Nissimov and S.J. Pacheva, "N=1 Superfields and N=2 Harmonic Superfields in Four-Dimensions as Second Quantized Superparticles", Modern Physics Letters A2 (1987) 651-661 39. E. Nissimov, S. Pacheva and S. Solomon, "Covariant First and Second Quantization of the N=2, D=10 Brink-Schwarz Superparticle", Nuclear Physics B296 (1988) 462-492 40. E. Nissimov, S. Pacheva and S. Solomon, "Covariant Canonical Quantization of the Green-Schwarz Superstring", Nuclear Physics B297 (1988) 349-373 41. E. Nissimov, S. Pacheva and S. Solomon, "Covariant Unconstrained Superfield Action for the Linearized D=10 Super Yang-Mills Theory", Nuclear Physics B299 (1988) 183-205 42. E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Manifestly Super-Poincare Covariant Quantization of the Green-Schwarz Superstring", Physics Letters B202 (1988) 325-332 43. E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Super-Poincare Covariant Canonical Formulation of Superparticles and Green-Schwarz Superstrings", in "XXI Int. Symp. on Theory of Elementary Particles", 16 p., E. Wieczorek (ed.), PHE 87-13, 369 p., DDR Acad. Sci. Press (1988) 44. E. Nissimov, S. Pacheva and S. Solomon, "Harmonic Superstring and Covariant Quantization of the Green-Schwarz Superstring", in "Perspectives in String Theory", 36 p., P. Di Vecchia and J.L. Petersen eds., 519 p., World Scientific (1988) 45. E. Nissimov, S. Pacheva and S. Solomon, "Action Principle for Overdetermined Systems of Nonlinear Field Equations", Internationa Journal of Modern Physics A4 (1989) 737-752 46. E. Nissimov, S. Pacheva and S. Solomon, "Off-Shell Superspace D=10 Super Yang-Mills from Covariantly Quantized Green-Schwarz Superstring", Nuclear Physics B317 (1989) 344-394 47. E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Cancellation of Anomalies in the Super-Poincare Covariant Quantization of the Green-Schwarz Superstring", Physics Letters B221 (1989) 307-313 48. E. Nissimov, S. Pacheva and S. Solomon, "The Relation Between Operator and Path Integral Covariant Quantizations of the Green-Schwarz Superstring", Physics Letters B228 (1989) 181-187 49. E. Nissimov, S. Pacheva and S. Solomon, "The Covariant Quantum Green-Schwarz Superstring", in "International Superstring Workshop STRINGS89", 26 p., R. Arnowitt, M. Duff, C. Pope, W. Siegel et. al. eds., World Scientific (1990) 50. E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "New Superspace Action for D=4 Superstrings", Physics Letters B235 (1990) 250-254 51. H. Aratyn, E. Nissimov, S. Pacheva and S. Solomon, "Superspace Actions on Coadjoint Orbits of Graded Infinite Dimensional Groups", Physics Letters B234 (1990) 307-314 52. H. Aratyn, E. Nissimov, S. Pacheva and A.H. Zimmerman, "Symplectic Actions on Coadjoint Orbits", Physics Letters B240 (1990) 127-132 53. H. Aratyn, E. Nissimov, S. Pacheva and A.H. Zimmerman, "Noether Theorem for Geometric Actions and the Area Preserving Diffeomorphisms on Torus", Physics Letters B242 (1990) 377-382 54. H. Aratyn, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "On the Group Theoretical Meaning of the Conformal Field Theories in the Framework of Coadjoint Orbits", Physics Letters B251 (1991) 401-405 55. H. Aratyn, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "The Hidden Kac-Moody Symmetry of the Geometric Actions", Modern Physics Letters A5 (1990) 2503-2513 56. H. Aratyn, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Coset Construction of Superstrings via the Coadjoint Orbit Method", Modern Physics Letters A5 (1990) 2615-2624 57. H. Aratyn, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Infinite-Dimensional Noether Symmetry Groups and Quantum Effective Actions from Geometry", Physics Letters B255 (1991) 359-366 58. H. Aratyn, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Classical R-Matrices and Poisson Bracket Structures on Infinite-Dimensional Groups", Physics Letters B284 (1992) 273-282 59. H. Aratyn, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Symplectic Geometry and Infinite-Dimensional Symmetry Groups", in "XXth Int. Conf. on Differential Geometric Methods in Theoretical Physics", 11 p., S. Catto and A. Rocha eds., vols.1,2, World Scientific (1992) 60. E. Nissimov, S. Pacheva and I. Vaysburd, "W-infinity Gravity as a WZNW Model", Physics Letters B288 (1992) 254-262 (arxiv.org link) 61. E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "W-infinity Gravity - a Geometric Approach", Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 93 (1992) 1268-1278 (arxiv.org link) 62. H. Aratyn, E. Nissimov, S. Pacheva and I. Vaysburd, "R-Matrix Formulation of KP Hierarchies and Their Gauge Equivalence", Physics Letters B294 (1992) 167-176 (arxiv.org link) 63. E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "String Theory and Integrable Systems", in "Mathematical Physics Towards XXI Century", pp. 203-229, R. Sen and A. Gersten eds., Ben-Gurion Univ. Press (1993) (arxiv.org link) 64. H. Aratyn, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Construction of KP Hierarchies in Terms of Finite Number of Fields and Their Abelianization", Physics Letters B314 (1993) 41-51 (arxiv.org link) 65. H. Aratyn, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Hamiltonian Structures of the Multi-Boson KP Hierarchies, Abelianization and Lattice Formulation", Physics Letters B331 (1994) 82-92 (arxiv.org link) 66. H. Aratyn, E. Nissimov, S. Pacheva and A.H. Zimmerman, "Two-Matrix String Model as Constrained (2+1)-Dimensional Integrable System", Physics Letters B341 (1994) 19-30 (arxiv.org link) 67. H. Aratyn, E. Nissimov, S. Pacheva and A.H. Zimmerman, "Reduction of Toda Lattice Hierarchy to Generalized KdV Hierarchies and Two-Matrix Model", International Journal of Modern Physics A10 (1995) 2537-2578 (arxiv.org link) 68. H. Aratyn, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Darboux-Backlund Solutions of SL(p,q) KP-KdV Hierarchies, Constrained Generalized Toda Lattices, and Two-Matrix String Model", Physics Letters A201 (1995) 293-305 (arxiv.org link) 69. E.I. Guendelman, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Volume-Preserving Diffeomorphisms' Versus Local Gauge Symmetry", Physics Letters B360 (1995) 57-64 (arxiv.org link) 70. H. Aratyn, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "On Integrable Models and Their Interrelations", in "Topics in Theoretical Physics Symposium", 10 p., vol.1, V.C. Aguilera-Navarro, D. Galetti, B.M. Pimentel and L. Tonio eds., IFT - Sao Paulo (1995) (arxiv.org link) 71. H. Aratyn, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Constrained KP Hierarchies: Darboux-Backlund Solutions and Additional Symmetries", in "New Trends in Quantum Field Theory'', pp. 91-107, eds. A. Ganchev, R. Kerner and I. Todorov, Heron Press (1996) (arxiv.org link) 72. H. Aratyn, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Virasoro Symmetry of Constrained KP Hierarchies", Physics Letters A228 (1997) 164-175 (arxiv.org link) 73. H. Aratyn, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Constrained KP Hierarchies: Additional Symmetries, Darboux-Backlund Solutions and Relations to Multi-Matrix Models", International Journal of Modern Physics A12 (1997) 1265-1340 (arxiv.org link) 74. H. Aratyn, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Method of Squared Eigenfunction Potentials in Integrable Hierarchies of KP type", Communications in Mathematical Physics 193 (1998) 493-525 (arxiv.org link) 75. H. Aratyn, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "A New "Dual" Symmetry Structure of the KP Hierarchy", Physics Letters A244 (1998) 245-255 (arxiv.org link) 76. H. Aratyn, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Supersymmetric KP Hierarchy: "Ghost" Symmetry Structure, Reductions and Darboux-Backlund Solutions", Journal of Mathematical Physics 40 (1999) 2922-2932 (arxiv.org link) 77. H. Aratyn, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Berezinian Construction of Super-Solitons in Supersymmetric Constrained KP Hierarchies", in "Topics in Theoretical Physics Symposium", vol.2, pp.17-24, L. Ferreira, J. Gomes et.al. eds., IFT - Sao Paulo (1998) (arxiv.org link) 78. H. Aratyn, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "From One-Component KP Hierarchy to Two-Component KP Hierarchy and Back", in "Topics in Theoretical Physics Symposium", vol.2, pp.25-33, L. Ferreira, J. Gomes et.al. eds., IFT - Sao Paulo (1998) (arxiv.org link) 79. E.I. Guendelman, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Composite Vector and Tensor Gauge Fields, and Volume-Preserving Diffeomorphisms", in "The Negev Physics Fete", 5 p., B. Horowitz et.al. eds., Ben-Gurion Univ. Press (1999) (arxiv.org link) 80. H. Aratyn, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Multi-Component Matrix KP Hierarchies as Symmetry-Enhanced Scalar KP Hierarchies and Their Darboux-Backlund Solutions", in "Backlund and Darboux Transformations. The Geometry of Solitons", 11 p., CRM Proc. Lecture Notes 29, P. Winternitz et.al. eds., AMS Press and CRM - Univ. Montreal Publ. (2001) (arxiv.org link) 81. H. Aratyn, J.F. Gomes, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Loop-Algebra and Virasoro Symmetries in Integrable Hierarchies of KP Type", Applicable Ananlysis 78 (2001) 233-253 (arxiv.org link) 82. E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Gauging of Geometric Actions and Integrable Hierarchies of KP Type", International Journal of Modern Physics A16 (2001) 2311-2364 (arxiv.org link) 83. H. Aratyn, J.F. Gomes, E. Nissimov, S. Pacheva and A.H. Zimmerman, "Symmetry Flows, Conservation Laws and Dressing Approach to the Integrable Models", in "Integrable Hierarchies and Modern Physical Theories", pp.277-288, H. Aratyn and A. Sorin eds., Kluwer Acad. Publ. (2001) (arxiv.org link) 84. E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Symmetries of Supersymmetric Integrable Hierarchies of KP Type", Journal of Mathematical Physics 43 (2002) 2547-2486 (arxiv.org link) 85. E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "N=2 Supersymmetric Integrable Hierarchies: Additional Symmetries and Darboux-Backlund Solutions", arxiv.org:nlin.SI/0103055, 14 p. (arxiv.org link) 86. E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Properties of Supersymmetric Integrable Systems of KP Type", European Physics Journal B29 (2002) 197-200 (arxiv.org link) 87. E.I. Guendelman, A. Kaganovich, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "String and Brane Models with Spontaneously or Dynamically Induced Tension", Physical Review D66 (2002) 046003, 13 p. (arxiv.org link) 88. E.I. Guendelman, A. Kaganovich, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "String and Brane Tensions as Dynamical Degrees of Freedom", in "First Workshop on Gravity, Astrophysics and Strings'', pp.136-146, P. Fiziev et.al. eds., Sofia Univ. Press (2003) (arxiv.org link) 89. E.I. Guendelman, A. Kaganovich, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Strings, p-Branes and Dp-Branes with Dynamical Tension", in "Second Internat. School on Modern Math. Physics'', pp.271-286, B. Dragovic and B. Sazdovic (eds.), Belgrade Inst. Phys. Press (2003) (arxiv.org link) 90. E.I. Guendelman, A. Kaganovich, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Impact of Dynamical Tensions in Modified String and Brane Theories", in "Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics V'', pp.241-252, V. Dobrev, H. Doebner et.al. eds., World Scientific (2004) (arxiv.org link) 91. E.I. Guendelman, A. Kaganovich, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Weyl-Invariant Light-Like Branes and Black Hole Physics", Talk at the Annual Workshop of European RTN ``EUCLID'', Sozopol (Bulgaria, 2004), 16p. (arxiv.org link) 92. E.I. Guendelman, A. Kaganovich, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Novel Aspects in p-Brane Theories: Weyl-Invariant Light-Like Branes", in "Second Workshop on Gravity, Astrophysics and Strings'', pp.170-182, P. Fiziev et.al. eds., Sofia Univ. Press, 2005 (arxiv.org link) 93. E.I. Guendelman, A. Kaganovich, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "New Physics From A Dynamical Volume Element", in "What Comes Beyond the Standard Models'', Bled Workshops in Physics Vol.5, pp.40-49, N. Borstnik, H.B. Nielsen et.al. eds., Ljubljana Univ. Press (2004) (arxiv.org link) 94. E.I. Guendelman, A. Kaganovich, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Weyl-Conformally Invariant p-Brane Theories", in "Third International School on Modern Mathematical Physics'', pp.349-366, B. Dragovic, Z. Rakic and B. Sazdovic (eds.), Belgrade Inst. Phys. Press (2005) (arxiv.org link) 95. E.I. Guendelman, A. Kaganovich, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Weyl-Conformally Invariant Light-Like p-Brane Theories: New Aspects in Black Hole Physics and Kaluza-Klein Dynamics", Physical Review D72 (2005) 086011, 13 p. (arxiv.org link) 96. E.I. Guendelman, A. Kaganovich, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Self-Consistent Solutions for Bulk Gravity-Matter Systems Coupled to Lightlike Branes", Talks at "IV Summer School in Modern Mathematical Physics", Belgrade (Sept. 2006), and 2nd Workshop of European RTN ``Constituents, Fundamental Forces and Symmetries of the Universe'', Naples (Oct. 2006), 21 p. (arxiv.org link) 97. E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Large N Expansion. Vector Models", Contribution to the ``Quantum Field Theory. Non-Perturbative QFT'' topical area of Modern Encyclopedia of Mathematical Physics (SELECTA), 6 p., eds. I. Aref'eva and D. Sternheimer, Springer (2007) (arxiv.org link) 98. E.I. Guendelman, A. Kaganovich, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Weyl-Invariant Lightlike Branes and Soldering of Black Hole Space-Times", Fortschritte der Physik 55 (2007) 579-584 (arxiv.org link) 99. E.I. Guendelman, A. Kaganovich, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Generalized Gauge Field Approach To Lightlike Branes", in "Fourth Summer School in Modern Mathematical Physics'', pp.215-228, B. Dragovic and B. Sazdovic (eds.), Belgrade Inst. Phys. Press, 2007 (arxiv.org link) 100. E.I. Guendelman, A. Kaganovich, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Lightlike Braneworlds", in "Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics VII'', pp.79-88, V. Dobrev and H. Doebner eds., Heron Press (2008) (arxiv.org link) 101. E.I. Guendelman, A. Kaganovich, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, ""Mass Inflation'' With Lightlike Branes", Central European Journal of Physics 7 (2009) 668-676 (arxiv.org link) 102. E.I. Guendelman, A. Kaganovich, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Lightlike p-Branes: Mass "Inflation" and Lightlike Braneworlds", in "Fifth Mathematical Physics Meeting'', pp.171-183, B. Dragovic and Z. Rakic (eds.), Belgrade Inst. Phys. Press, 2009 (arxiv.org link) 103. E.I. Guendelman, A. Kaganovich, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Variable-Tension Lightlike Brane as a Gravitational Source of Traversable Misner-Wheeler-Type Wormholes", Physics Letters B673 (2009) 288-292 (arxiv.org link) 104. E.I. Guendelman, A. Kaganovich, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Lightlike Branes as Natural Candidates for Wormhole Throats", Forschritte der Physik 57 (2009) 566-572 (arxiv.org link) 105. E.I. Guendelman, A. Kaganovich, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Spherically Symmetric and Rotating Wormholes Produced by Lightlike Branes", International Journal of Modern Physics A25 (2010) 1405-1428 (arxiv.org link) 106. E.I. Guendelman, A. Kaganovich, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Einstein-Rosen "Bridge" Needs Lightlike Brane Source", Physics Letters B681 (2009) 457-462 (arxiv.org link) 107. E.I. Guendelman, A. Kaganovich, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Non-Singular Black Holes from Gravity-Matter-Brane Lagrangians", International Journal of Modern Physics A25 (2010) 1571-1596 (arxiv.org link) 108. E.I. Guendelman, A. Kaganovich, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Asymmetric Wormholes via Electrically Charged Lightlike Branes", in "Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics VIII'', pp.60-75, V. Dobrev ed., AIP Conference Proceedings vol.1243, Melville, New York (2010) (arxiv.org link) 109. E.I. Guendelman, A. Kaganovich, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Space-Time Compactification Induced By Lightlike Branes", Invertis Journal of Science and Technology 3 (2010) 91-100 (arxiv.org link) 110. E.I. Guendelman, A. Kaganovich, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Space-Time Compactification/Decompactification Transitions Via Lightlike Branes", General Relativity and Gravitation 43 (2011) 1487-1513 (arxiv.org link) 111. E.I. Guendelman, A. Kaganovich, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Space-Time Compactification, Non-Singular Black Holes, Wormholes and Braneworlds via Lightlike Branes", in "Sixth Mathematical Physics Meeting'', pp. 217-234, B. Dragovic and Z. Rakic (eds.), Belgrade Inst. Phys. Press (2011) (arxiv.org link) 112. E.I. Guendelman, A. Kaganovich, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Asymptotically de Sitter and anti-de Sitter Black Holes with Confining Electric Potential", Physics Letters B704 (2011) 230-233 ; erratum B705 (2011) 545 (arxiv.org link) 113. E.I. Guendelman, A. Kaganovich, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Hiding Charge in a Wormhole", The Open Nuclear and Particle Physics Journal 4 (2011) 27-34 (arxiv.org link) 114. E.I. Guendelman, A. Kaganovich, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Hiding and Confining Charges via "Tube-like" Wormholes", International Journal of Modern Physics A26 (2011) 5211-5239 (arxiv.org link) 115. E.I. Guendelman, A. Kaganovich, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Lightlike Braneworlds in Anti-de Sitter Bulk Space-Times", Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics 36 (2013) 215-230, ed. V. Dobrev, Springer (arxiv.org link) 116. E.I. Guendelman, A. Kaganovich, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Dynamical Couplings, Dynamical Vacuum Energy and Confinement/Deconfinement from R^2-Gravity", Physics Letters B718 (2013) 1099–1104 (arxiv.org link) 117. E.I. Guendelman, A. Kaganovich, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Gravity, Nonlinear Gauge Fields and Charge Confinement/Deconfinement", in "Seventh Mathematical Physics Meeting'', pp.197-213, B. Dragovic and Z. Rakic (eds.), Belgrade Inst. Phys. Press (2013) (arxiv.org link) 118. E.I. Guendelman, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Charge-Confining Gravitational Electrovacuum Shock Wave", Modern Physics Letters A29 (2014) 1450020, 13 p. (arxiv.org link) 119. E.I. Guendelman, E. Nissimov, S. Pacheva and M. Vasihoun, "Dynamical Volume Element in Scale-Invariant and Supergravity Theories", Bulgarian Journal of Physics 40 (2013) 121-126 (arxiv.org link) 120. E.I. Guendelman, A. Kaganovich, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Lightlike Membranes in Black Hole and Wormhole Physics, and Cosmology", Bulgarian Journal of Physics 40 (2013) 134-140 (arxiv.org link) 121. E.I. Guendelman, A. Kaganovich, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Dynamical Couplings and Charge Confinement/Deconfinement from Gravity Coupled to Nonlinear Gauge Fields", Bulgarian Journal of Physics 40 (2013) 127-133 (arxiv.org link) 122. E.I. Guendelman, A. Kaganovich, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "f(R)-Gravity: "Einstein Frame" Lagrangian Formulation, Non-Standard Black Holes and QCD-like Confinement/Deconfinement", in Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, Vol. 111, ed. V. Dobrev (Springer, Tokyo, Heidelberg) 2015, 10 p. (arxiv.org link) 123. E.I. Guendelman, E. Nissimov, S. Pacheva and M. Vasihoun, "A New Mechanism of Dynamical Spontaneous Breaking of Supersymmetry", Bulgarian Journal of Physics 41 (2014) 123-129 (arxiv.org link) 124. E.I. Guendelman, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Unification of Inflation and Dark Energy from Spontaneous Breaking of Scale Invariance", in "Eight Mathematical Physics Meeting'', pp. 93-103, B. Dragovic and I. Salom (eds.), Belgrade Inst. Phys. Press (2015), 11 p. (arxiv.org link) 125. E.I. Guendelman, A. Kaganovich, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Emergent Cosmology, Inflation and Dark Energy from Spontaneous Breaking of Scale Invariance", Talk at "8th Summer School and Conference on Modern Mathematical Physics", Aug 2014 Belgrade (Serbia), 14 p. (arxiv.org link) 126. E.I. Guendelman, R. Herrera, P. Labrana, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Emergent Cosmology, Inflation and Dark Energy", General Relativity and Gravitation 47 (2015) art.10, 24 p. (arxiv.org link) 127. E.I. Guendelman, E. Nissimov, S. Pacheva and M. Vasihoun, "A New Venue of Spontaneous Supersymmetry Breaking in Supergravity", in "Eight Mathematical Physics Meeting'', pp. 105-115, B. Dragovic and I. Salom (eds.), Belgrade Inst. Phys. Press (2015), 11 p. (arxiv.org link) 128. E.I. Guendelman, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Vacuum Structure and Gravitational Bags Produced by Metric-Independent Spacetime Volume-Form Dynamics", International Journal of Modern Physics A30 (2015) 1550133, 31 p. (arxiv.org link) 129. E.I. Guendelman, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Metric-Independent Volume-Forms in Gravity and Cosmology", Bulgarian Journal of Physics 42 (2015) 14-27, 14 p. (arxiv.org link) 130. E.I. Guendelman, R. Herrera, P. Labrana, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Stable Emergent Universe - A Creation without Big-Bang", Astronomische Nachrichten 336 (2015) 810-814, 5 p. (arxiv.org link) 131. E.I. Guendelman, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Dark Energy and Dark Matter From Hidden Symmetry of Gravity Model with a Non-Riemannian Volume Form", European Physics Journal C75 (2015) 472-479, 8 p. (arxiv.org link) 132. E.I. Guendelman, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Cosmology via Metric-Independent Volume-Form Dynamics", in 2nd Karl Schwarzschild Meeting on Gravitational Physics, P. Nicolini et al. (eds.), Springer Proceedings in Physics v.208, pp.175-181 (Springer, 2018) (arxiv.org link) 133. E.I. Guendelman, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Unified Dark Energy and Dust Dark Matter Dual to Quadratic Purely Kinetic K-Essence", European Physics Journal C76:90 (2016), 12 p. (arxiv.org link) 134. E.I. Guendelman, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Metric-Independent Spacetime Volume-Forms and Dark Energy/Dark Matter Unification", Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, vol. 191 (2016) 261-273, 13 p., V. Dobrev, Springer (arxiv.org link) 135. E.I. Guendelman, E. Nissimov, S. Pacheva and M. Stoilov, "Kruskal-Penrose Formalism for Lightlike Thin-Shell Wormholes", Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, vol. 191 (2016) 245-259, 15 p., ed. V. Dobrev, Springer (arxiv.org link) 136. E.I. Guendelman, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Gravity-Assisted Emergent Higgs Mechanism in the Post-Inflationary Epoch", International Journal of Modern Physics D25 (2016) 1644008, 10.p., doi: 10.1142/S0218271816440089 (arxiv.org link), honorable mention in 2016 Gravity Research Foundation Competition for Essays on Gravitation 137. E.I. Guendelman, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Quintessential Inflation, Unified Dark Energy and Dark Matter, and Higgs Mechanism", Bulgarian Journal of Physics 44 (2017) 15-30, 16 p. (arxiv.org link) 138. E.I. Guendelman, E. Nissimov, S. Pacheva and M. Stoilov, "Einstein-Rosen 'Bridge' Revisited and Lightlike Thin-Shell Wormholes", Bulgarian Journal of Physics 44 (2017) 85-98, 14 p. (arxiv.org link) 139. E.I. Guendelman, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Quintessence in Multi-Measure Generalized Gravity Stabilized by Gauss-Bonnet/Inflaton Coupling", Bulgarian Journal of Physics 45 (2018) 58-78, 21 p. (arxiv.org link) 140. E.I. Guendelman, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Wheeler-DeWitt Quantization of Gravity Models of Unified Dark Energy and Dark Matter", Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics v.255: Quantum Theory and Symmetries with Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics, vol.2, ed. V. Dobrev, pp.99-114 (Springer, Tokyo, Heidelberg) 2018, 16 p. (doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-2179-5_7 | arxiv.org link) 141. E.I. Guendelman, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Quintessence, Unified Dark Energy and Dark Matter, and Confinement/Deconfinement Mechanism", "Ninth Mathematical Physics Meeting", pp.237-252, B. Dragovic et.al. eds., ISBN: 978-86-82441-48-9, (Belgrade Inst. Phys. Press, 2018), 16 p. (arxiv.org link) 142. E.I. Guendelman, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Confinement/Deconfinement and Gravity-Assisted Emergent Higgs Mechanism in Quintessential Cosmological Model", "Jacob Bekenstein Memorial Volume" (World Scientific, 2019), publisher link, (arxiv.org link) 143. Leor Barack, Vitor Cardoso, Samaya Nissanke, Thomas P. Sotiriou, ,..., E. Guendelman, ..., E. Nissimov, ... "Black holes, gravitational waves and fundamental physics: a roadmap", Classical and Quantum Gravity 36 (2019) 143001, journal link (arxiv.org link) 144. E.I. Guendelman, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Modified Gravity and Inflaton Assisted Dynamical Generation of Charge Confinement and Electroweak Symmetry Breaking in Cosmology", AIP Conference Proceedings 2075, 090030 (2019) (arxiv.org link) 145. E.I. Guendelman, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Gauss-Bonnet Gravity in D=4 Without Gauss-Bonnet Coupling to Matter - Cosmological Implications", Modern Physics Letters A34 (2019) 1950051, DOI: 10.1142/S0217732319500512, (arxiv.org link) 146. E.I. Guendelman, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Four-Dimensonal Gauss-Bonnet Gravity Without Gauss-Bonnet Coupling to Matter – Spherically Symmetric Solutions, Domain Walls and Spacetime Singularities", Bulgarian Journal of Physics 48 (2021) 087-116, (arxiv.org link) 147. D. Benisty, E.I. Guendelman, A. Kaganovich, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Modified Gravity Theories Based on the Non-Canonical Volume-Form Formalism", in Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, ed. V Dobrev, vol.335, doi:10.1007/978-981-15-7775-8, Springer (2020), (arxiv.org link) 148. D. Benisty, E.I. Guendelman, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Dynamically Generated Inflation from Non-Riemannian Volume Forms", European Physical Journal C79 (2019) 806, (arxiv.org link) 149. D. Benisty, E.I. Guendelman, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Dynamically Generated Inflationary Two-Field Potential via Non-Riemannian Volume Forms", Nuclear Physics B951 (2020) 114907 (arxiv.org link) 150. D. Benisty, E.I. Guendelman, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Non-Riemannian Volume Elements Dynamically Generate Inflation", Proceedings of "Tenth Mathematical Physics Meeting", Belgrade 2019, eds. B. Dragovich, I. Salom and M. Vojinovich, ISBN 978-86-82441-51-9, Belgrade Inst. Physics Publ., 2020 (publisher link; arxiv.org link) 151. D. Benisty, E.I. Guendelman, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Dynamically Generated Inflationary Lambda-CDM", Symmetry 2020, 12, 481 (Special Issue "Selected Papers: 10th Mathematical Physics Meeting", ed. B. Dragovich), doi:10.3390/sym12030481 (arxiv.org link; also at preprints.org) 152. D. Benisty, E.I. Guendelman, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Quintessential Inflation with Dynamical Higgs Effect Generation as a Purely Affine Gravity", Symmetry 12 (2020) 734 (Special Issue "Global and Local Scale Symmetry in Gravitation and Cosmology", ed. E. Guendelman), journal link (arxiv.org link; also at preprints.org) 153. D. Benisty, E.I. Guendelman, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "LambdaCDM as a Noether Symmetry in Cosmology", International Journal of Modern Physics D29 (2020), doi:10.1142/S0218271820501047 (also at arxiv.org link) 154. D. Benisty, E.I. Guendelman, A. Kaganovich, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Non-Canonical Volume-Form Formulation of Modified Gravity Theories and Cosmology", European Physics Journal Plus 136 (2021) 46 (also at arxiv.org link) 155. E.I. Guendelman, E. Nissimov and S. Pacheva, "Square-Root Gauge Theory and Modified Gravity -- Gravity-Assisted Confinement/Deconfinement and Emergent Electro-Weak Symmetry Breaking in Cosmology", Proceedings of 17th Marcel Grossmann Conference 2024 (also at arxiv.org link) |
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