8th International Workshop on
Complex Structures and Vector Fields
21-26 August 2006, Sofia - Bulgaria
For other Workshops of the series, click here
An Album with part of the photos from the Workshop is available
The 8th International Workshop on Complex Structures and Vector Fields took place in Sofia under the patronage of:
The Workshop covers interdisciplinary topics from Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Differential Geometry.
The participation of students and young researchers is encouraged. They will be deliberated from registration fees.
Organizing Committee:
- S. Dimiev (Chairman, IMI - Sofia)
- St. Donev (INRNE - Sofia)
- VI. Gerdjikov (INRNE - Sofia)
- B. Iliev (INRNE - Sofia)
- R. Lazov (IMI - Sofia)
Scientific Committee:
- Vl. Georgiev (Chairman, Pisa)
- S. Dimiev (Chairman, IMI - Sofia)
- D. Alekseevski (Hulls)
- K. Sekigawa (Niigata)
- H. Hashimoto (Saitama)
- T. Adachi (Nagoya)
- S. Maeda (Matsue)
- Y. Mathsushita (Shiga)
- S. Marchiafawa (Rome)
- M. Pontecorvo (Rome)
- VI. Rostov (Nice)
- A. Sergeev (Moscow)
- O. Mushkarov (Sofia),
- J. Davidov (Sofia)
- G. Ganchev (Sofia)
- I. Pestov (Dubna)
- St. Donev (Sofia)
- VI. Gerdjikov (Sofia)
- B. Iliev (Sofia)
- R. Lazov (Sofia)
The Workshop will take place in the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
Registration fee:
- 180 US$, including the price of the Proceedings
- 50 USD for East Europe countries
- free for students and young researchers (up to the age of 30)
In hotel “Pliska” which is 15 minutes by foot from the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics
Prices: Single room - 76 Bulgarian leva (1 EUR = 1.958 BGN)
Double room - 96 Bulgarian leva
In other hotels in Sofia - more expensive
In the restaurants near the Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, approximately 20 – 30 Bulgarian leva per day
- 45-minutes plenary lectures delivered by invited speakers
- 30-minutes communications
Planed seminars:
- Seminar on Mathematical Physics
- Seminar on Differential Geometry
- Seminar on Complex Analysis and Potential Theory
- Arrival – August the 20th
- Opening – August the 21th
- Closing –August the 25th
Click here to view the full Program of the Workshop. It can be downloaded here
Call for Papers:
- All participants are kindly asked to prepare their papers
- The participants, that intend to deliver talks, are invited to send the title and a summary of their talks
- The deadline for presenting or sending the papers, hard copy and a diskette, is 15 December 2006
- It is highly recommended to present the papers in LaTeX
- The Proceedings of the previous Workshops were published by World Scientific Publ. Comp. (Singapore)
- Students and young researchers are also encouraged to present notes and papers.
8th International Workshop on Complex Structures and Vector Fields
Institute for Mathematics and Informatics of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Acad. Georgi Bonchev Str., Bl. 8, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria,
Prof. Dr. St. Dimiev, or Prof. R. Lazov
Organizing Committee e-mails:
Partial list of the participants:
- Prof. Petar POPIVANOV, Member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sci., BULGARIA
- Prof. Radu MIRON, Iasi, ROMANIA
- Prof. Emil HOROZOV, Sofia, BULGARIA
- Prof. Kouei SEKIGAWA, Niigata University, JAPAN
- Prof. Vladimir GEORGIEV, Pisa University, ITALY
- Prof. Vladimir KOSTOV, Nice University, FRANCE
- Prof. Karlheinz SPALLEK, Univ. of Bohum, GERMANY
- Prof. Yasuo MATSUSHITA, University of Shiga, JAPAN
- Prof. Toshiaki ADACHI, Nagouya Inst.of Technology, JAPAN
- Prof. Sadahiro MAEDA, Shimane Univ., JAPAN
- Prof. Hiroyuki KAMADA, Miyagi Univ., JAPAN
- Prof. Hiroyuki TASAKI, Univ. of Tsukuba, JAPAN
- Prof. Julian LAWRYNOVICZ, Inst. of Math., Polish Acad. Sci., POLAND
- Prof. Stancho DIMIEV, Inst. of Math. and Info., Bulg. Acad. Sci., BULGARIA
- Prof. Oleg MUSHKAROV, Inst. of Math. and Info., Bulg. Acad. Sci. BULGARIA
- Prof. Stoil DONEV, INRNE, Bulg. Acad. Sci., BULGARIA
- Prof. Vladimir GERDJIKOV, INRNE, Bulg. Acad. Sci., BULGARIA
- Prof. Bozhidar ILIEV, INRNE, Bulg. Acad. Sci., BULGARIA
- Prof. Georgi GANCHEV, Inst. of Math. and Info., Bulg. Acad. Sci. BULGARIA
Download/view the complete list of all participants: dvi, ps, pdf files