File | Size |
Angelova L. - On slow-roll glueball inflation from holography.pdf | 239 K |
Danev P. - 'Forbidden' electric dipole transitions in the hydroden molecular ion - first estimates.pdf | 136 K |
Dimov H., S. Mladenov, R. Rashkov, Tsv. Vetsov - Thermo-field dynamics of higher derivative oscillators.pdf | 207 K |
Dobrev V. - Multiparameter quantum Minkowski space-time and quantum Maxwell equations hierarchy.pdf | 162 K |
Guendelman E., E.Nissmov, S.Pacheva - Quintessential inflation, unified dark energy and dark matter, and Higgs mechanism.pdf | 125 K |
Guendelman E., E.Nissmov, S.Pacheva, M.Stoilov - Einstein Rosen 'bridge' revisited and lightlike thin-shell wormholes.pdf | 340 K |
Obreshkov B. - Collisional effects on the dipole transitions of pionic helium.pdf | 254 K |
Stanishkov M. - On the RG flow in the two-dimensional coset models.pdf | 74 K |
Stoilova N., J. van der Jeugt - Lie Superalgebraic approach to quantum statistics. osp 3_2 Wigner quantum oscillator.pdf | 70 K |
Stoimenov S. - Boundedness of two-point correlators covariant under the meta-conformal algebra.pdf | 104 K |