- I. Patera, T.D. Palev, Theoretical interpretation of the
experiments on the elastic $\pi-p$ scattering on the
synchrophasotrone of JINR .
- Journ. Exper. and Theor. Physics 38 987 (1960) (In Russian)
- Soviet Physics JETP 11 710 (1960) (English translation)
- T.D. Palev, Real part of the amplitude of the elastic $K^\pm -p$
scattering at high energies (in Bulgarian).
Izv. Fiz. Inst. ANEB XII 137
- T.D. Palev, Determination of the parity of $\Lambda$
and $\Sigma$ hiperons (in Bulgarian).
Izv. Fiz. Inst. ANEB XIV 45 (1966)
- R.P. Zaikov, K.V. Kademova, T.D. Palev, Mass formulae in the Pu
group (in Russian).
Izv. Fiz. Inst. ANEB XVI 149 (1967)
- C. Palev, M. Samiullah, O(3,1) Symmetry and the behaviour of the
amplitudes for $\rho + \pi \rightarrow \rho + \pi$
at high energy.
- ICTP Int. Rep. 28/1967
- Izv. Fiz. Inst. ANEB XVIII 43 (1969)
- C. Palev, M. Samiullah, Homogeneous Lorenz group partial wave
analysis and the asymptotic behaviour
of the invariant amplitudes for
$\rho + \pi \rightarrow \rho + \pi$ and
A1 + $\pi \rightarrow$ A1 + $\pi$ processes
at high energy.
- ICTP Int. Rep. 32/1967
- Zeitschr. Phys., 216 293 (1968)
- N.G. Antoniou, C. Palev, M. Samiullah, O(3,1) Symmetry and the
high-energy reactions $N \bar N \rightarrow NY$.
- Preprint ICTP IC/67/76 (1967)
- N. Cim. 56 77 (1968)
- N.G. Antoniou, C. Palev, M. Samiullah, O(3,1) Symmetry and the
forward Compton scattering of virtual
photons at high energy.
- ICTP Int. Rep. 33/1967
- Nucl. Phys. B4 479 (1968)
- N.G. Antoniou, C. Palev, M. Samiullah, O(3,1) Symmetry and a parity
invariant model.
ICTP Int. Rep. 36/1967
- N.G. Antoniou, C. Palev, Forward dispersion repations and
$\pi - \pi$ scattering length.
- Preprint ICTP IC/67/79 (1967)
- Phys. Lett. 26B 301 (1968)
- N.G. Antoniou, S.R. Komy, C.D. Palev, O(3,1) Symmetry and the
high-energy reactions $\pi N \rightarrow \eta N^* (1236)$.
- Preprint ICTP IC/68/6 (1968)
- Nucl. Phys. B5 195 (1968)
- N.G. Antoniou, S.R. Komy, C.D. Palev, M. Samiullah, Lorentz-pole
analysis of the high-energy
reactions $ \pi N \rightarrow \omega N^* (1236)$.
- Preprint ICTP IC/68/7 (1968)
- N. Cim. 56A 437 (1968)
- N.G. Antoniou, S.R. Komy, C.D. Palev, M. Samiullah, Lorentz-pole model
and polarization in the
high-energy charge-exchange pion-nucleon scattering.
- Preprint ICTP IC/68/15 (1968)
- Phys. Rev. 175 1757 (1968)
- C.D. Palev, On the representations of Lie algebras in linear
Preprint ICTP IC/68/23 (1968)
- C.D. Palev, Finite- and infinite-component fields and equations
generated from the Dirac equation.
- Preprint ICTP IC/68/71 (1968)
- N. Cim. 62A 585 (1969)
- C.D. Palev, Realizations of Lie algebras as functions of
Heisenberg-algebra generators.
General theory and applications to finite- and
infinite-component field equations.
Ph. D. Thesis, Marburg (Lahn), Germany (1968)
- R.P. Zaikov, T.D. Palev, An example of an infinite-component local
field with a mass spectrum .
Preprint JINR P2-5305 (1970) (In Russian)
- T.D. Palev, Maximal simple Lie algebra constructed out of two
pairs of Fermi operators.
- Preprint JINR P2-5267 (1970) (in Russian)
- Izv. Fiz. Inst. ANEB XXII 129 (1972) (in Bulgarian)
- T.D. Palev, Maximal simple Lie algebra constructed out of given
pairs of Fermi operators.
Preprint JINR P2-5303 (1970) (in Russian)
- K. Kademova,T.D. Palev, Lie algebras and quasifield operators.
Int. J. Theor. Phys. 3 337 (1970)
- H.D. Doebner, T.D. Palev, Realizations of Lie algebras through
rational functions of canonical variables.
- Int. Rep. ICTP IC/70/18 (1970)
- Acta Phys. Austriaca, Suppl. VII 597 (1970)
- T.D. Palev, Second-order realizations of Lie algebras with
parafield operators.
Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci. 24 565 (1971)
- T.D. Palev, Extended ladder representations.
Int. J. Theor. Phys. 4 93 (1971)
- T.D. Palev, On some algebraical properties of the para-Fermi
operators and their representations.
Acta Phys. Austriaca, Suppl. VIII 416 (1971)
- H.D. Doebner, T.D. Palev, On realizations of Lie algebras in
factor spaces.
Preprint ICTP IC/71/104 (1971)
- T.D. Palev, An isomorphism between the para-Fermi algebra and
the algebra O(n,n+1).
Int. J. Theor. Phys. 5 71 (1972)
- H.D. Doebner, T.D. Palev, The trace formula for realizations of
Lie algebras.
Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci. 26 151 (1973)
- T.D. Palev, V. Petkova, Representations of the symplectic algebra
in the space of all polynomials
of the Heisenberg operators (in Russian).
Izv. Fiz. Inst. ANEB XXIII 39(1973)
- T.D. Palev, An example of an application of parastatistics of
non-integer order (in Russian).
High energies and Elementary particles p.331 (Proceedings of a
Varna, 1974)
- T.D. Palev, Vacuum-like state analysis of the representations of
the para-Fermi operators.
- Preprint TH.1653-CERN (1973)
- Ann. Inst. Henri Poincare, 23 49 (1975)
- T.D. Palev, The parastatistics and Lie algebraical methods used
- Symposium on New Mathematical Methods in Physics and Problems
in General Relativity, Bonn 1973
(Proceedings, Edited by K. Bleuler and A. Reetz,
University of Bonn)
- Preprint TH.1749-CERN (1973)
- Int. J. Theor. Phys. 10 229 (1974)
- C. Palev, On a realization of gl(n,R) in terms of rational
functions of Bose operators.
Communication JINR E2-8264 (1974)
- T.D. Palev, A3-weight multiplicity formula.
Rep. Math. Phys. 7 257 (1975)
- T.D. Palev, Matrix subalgebras in the division ring generated
from the Heisenberg operators.
Bulg. J. Phys. II 179 (1975)
- T.D. Palev, Gauge transformations for para-fields from the
current algebra (in Russian).
- Preprint JINR P2-9171 (1975)
- Bulg. J. Phys. III 3 (1976)
- T.D. Palev, Current algebra for parafielfs (in Russian).
Bulg. J. Phys. III 109 (1976)
- T.D. Palev, Lie algebraical aspects of the quantum statistics.
Habilitation Thesis (in Bulgarian):
part 1,
part 2,
Inst.Nuclear Research and Nucl.Energy,
- T.D. Palev, Lie algebraical aspect of quantum statistics.
Parafermi statistics.
- Preprint JINR E2-10258 (1977)
- Rep. Math. Phys. 14 315 (1978)
- T.D. Palev, Fixed order matrix elements of the para-Fermi
- Preprint JINR E2-10259 (1977)
- Rep. Math. Phys. 14 313 (1978)
- T.D. Palev, On a certain type of second quantization.
Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci. 30 993 (1977)
- T.D. Palev, Lie algebraical aspects of quantum statistics.
Unitary quantization (A-quantization).
- Preprint JINR E17-10550 (1977)
- hep-th/9705032
- T.D. Palev, Second quantization and particle (quark) confinement.
Proceedings ICCR, 11 546 (1977), Plovdiv, Bulgaria
- T.D. Palev, On a certain realization of the A-statistics (in
Preprint JINR P2-11943 (1978)
- T.D. Palev, Lie algebraical approach to the second quantization.
Proc. III School of Elementary Particles and High Energy
Physics, Primorsko
(1978), p.418
- A.Ch. Ganchev and T.D. Palev, Para-Bose quantization and Lie
superalgebras (in Bulgarian).
Proc. IV Nat. Conf. of the Young Physicists (1978), p.1
- A.Ch. Ganchev and T.D. Palev, On a certain relation between the
Bose statistics and the A-statistics .
Proc. IV Nat. Conf. of the Young Physicists (1978), p.3
(in Bulgarian)
- T.D. Palev, Lie-superalgebraical approach to the second
Czech. Journ. Phys. B29 91 (1979)
- T.D. Palev, A causal A-statistics.
Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci. 32 159 (1979)
- T.D. Palev, A causal A-statistics. I.General results.
- Preprint JINR E2-11904 (1978)
- Rep. Math. Phys. 18, 117 (1980)
- T.D. Palev, A causal A-statistics. II. Lowest order representation.
- Preprint JINR E2-11905 (1978)
- Rep. Math. Phys. 18 129 (1980)
- A.Ch. Ganchev, T.D. Palev, A Lie superalgebraical analysis of the
para-Bose statistics.
- Preprint JINR P2-11941 (1978) (in Russian)
- Journ. Math. Phys. 21 797 (1980)
- T.D. Palev, Lie superalgebraical aspects of quantum statistics.
Communication JINR E2-11929 (1978)
- T.D. Palev, On a certain Fock type representations of the Lie
superalgebra A(0,1).
- Preprint JINR P2-11930 (1978)
- Int. J. Theor. Phys. 17 985 (1978)
- T.D. Palev, A-superquantization.
Communication JINR E2-11942 (1978)
- T.D. Palev, The trace formula for realizations of Lie algebras
with A-operators.
Preprint ICTP IC/79/168 (1979)
- T.D. Palev, Fock space representations of the Lie superalgebra
Journ. Math. Phys. 21 1293 (1980)
- T.D. Palev, S-matrix for interacting A-fields.
Journ. Math. Phys. 21 2560 (1980)
- T.D. Palev, A trace formula for realizations of Lie
superalgebras with creation and annihilation operators.
Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci. 33 1195 (1980)
- T.D. Palev, On a class of non-typical representations of the Lie
superalgebra A(1,0).
Godishnik VUS 16 103 (1981)
- T.D. Palev, Canonical realizations of Lie superalgebras. Ladder
representations of the Lie superalgebra A(m,n).
Journ. Math. Phys. 22 2127 (1981)
- T.D. Palev, Noncanonical quantization of two particles
interacting via harmonic potential.
Communication JINR E2-81-419 (1981)
- T.D. Palev, On a certain possibility for a non-canonical
quantization of mechanical systems (in Bulgarian).
Proceedings of the Jubilee session of VPI, Shumen, 1981
- T.D. Palev, Para-Bose and para-Fermi operators as generators of
orthosymplectic Lie superalgebras.
- ICTP Int.Rep. IC/79/167
- Journ. Math. Phys. 23 1100 (1982)
- T.D. Palev, Dynamical quantization.
Conference on Differential Geometric Methods in Theoretical
Physics ICTP,
Trieste 30.06-3.07.1981, p.109
(Ed. G. Denardo, H.D. Doebner, World
Scientific Pub. Co Pte, 1983)
- T.D. Palev, On dynamical quantization.
Czech. Journ. Phys. B32 680 (1982)
- T.D. Palev, O.Ts. Stoytchev, Finite-dimensional induced
representations of the Lie superalgebra sl(1,n).
Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci. 35 733 (1982)
- T.D. Palev, O.Ts. Stoytchev, Typical representations of the Lie
superalgebra sl(1,n).
Communications JINR E5-82-54 (1982)
- T.D. Palev, Wigner approach to quantization. Noncanonical
quantization of two particles interacting
via a harmonic potential.
Journ. Math. Phys. 23 1778 (1982)
- T.D. Palev, Irreducible finite-dimensional representations of
the Lie superalgebra sl(1,3).
Proc. XIII Conf. Differential Geometric Methods in Theor. Phys.,
Shumen, p.107
(Ed. H.D. Doebner, T.D. Palev, World Scientific Pub.
Co Pte, 1984)
- T.D. Palev, Finite-dimensional representations of the Lie
superalgebra sl(1,3) in a Gel'fand-Zetlin basis.
I.Typical representations.
Journ. Math. Phys. 26 1640 (1985)
- T.D. Palev, Finite-dimensional representations of the
Lie superalgebra sl(1,3) in a Gel'fand-Zetlin basis.
- Preprint ICTP IC/85/130 (1985)
- Journ. Math. Phys. 27 1994 (1986)
- A.H. Kamupingene, T.D. Palev, Irreducible finite-dimensional
representations of the Lie superalgebra sl(1,2)
in a Gel'fand-Zetlin basis.
- Preprint ICTP IC/85/146 (1985)
- Bulg. J. Phys. 14 124 (1987)
- A.H. Kamupingene, T.D. Palev, S.P. Tsaneva, Wigner quantum systems.
Two particles interacting via
a harmonic potential. I. Two-dimensional case.
- Preprint ICTP IC/85/169 (1985)
- Journ. Math. Phys. 27 2067 (1986)
- T.D. Palev, Finite-dimensional representations of the Lie
superalgebra sl(1,3) in a Gel'fand-Zetlin basis.
II.Nontypical representations.
Journ. Math. Phys. 28 272 (1987)
- T.D. Palev, Lie superalgebraical quantization.
Jubilee collection "70 Years of Acad. Christo Christov"
- T.D. Palev, On the representations of the basic Lie
superalgebras. Gel'fand-Zetlin basis for sl(1,n).
Symmetries in Sciences II p.447 (Ed.B.Gruber, R.Lenczewski,
Plenum Press,
- T.D. Palev, Finite-dimensional irreducible representations of
the special linear Lie superalgebra sl(1,n).
Compt. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci. 40, 33 (1987)
- T.D. Palev, Irreducible finite-dimensional representations of
the Lie superalgebras gl(n,1) in a
Gel'fand-Zetlin basis.
- Preprint JINR P5-86-783 (1986)
- Funkt. Anal. Prilozh. 21 No 3, 85 (1987) (in Russian)
- Funct. Anal. Appl. 21 245 (1987) (English translation)
- T.D. Palev, Finite-dimensional representations of the special
linear Lie superalgebra sl(1,n).
I.Typical representations.
Journ. Math. Phys. 28 2280 (1987)
- T.D. Palev, Essentially irreducible representations of the Lie
superalgebras sl(n/1) and sl(n/2).
Lect. Notes in Physics 313 p.161 (Ed. by H.D.Doebner,
J.D.Hennig and
T.D. Palev, Springer-Verlag, 1988).
Proceedings of the Colloquim on Group
Theoretical Methods in Physics,
Varna (1986)
- T.D. Palev, Finite-dimensional representations of the special
linear Lie superalgebra sl(1,n).
II.Nontypical representations.
Journ. Math. Phys. 29 2589 (1988)
- T.D. Palev, Irreducible finite-dimensional representationsof the
Lie superalgebra gl(n/1) in a
Gel'fand-Zetlin basis.
- Preprint ICTP, IC/88/207 (1988)
- Journ. Math. Phys. 30 1433 (1989)
- T.D. Palev, Essentially typical representations of the Lie
superalgebras gl(n/m) in a Gel'fand-Zetlin basis .
- Preprint JINR P5-88-169 (1988)
- Funkt. Anal. Prilozh. 23 No 2, 69 (1989) (in Russian)
- Funct. Anal. Appl. 23 141 (1989) (English translation)
- A.H. Kamupingene, N.A. Ki, T.D. Palev, Finite-dimensional
representations of the Lie superalgebra
gl(2/2) in a gl(2) $\oplus$ gl(2) basis.
I. Typical representations.
Journ. Math. Phys. 30 553 (1989)
- T.D. Palev, Highest weight representations of the Lie algebra
$gl\infty$ in a Gel'fand-Zetlin basis.
Symmetries in Sciences III p.567 (Ed.B.Gruber and F.Iachello,
1989 Plenum
Press, New York). Proceedings of the symposium, held July 25-28, 1988
Schloss Hofen, Lochau, Austria
- T.D. Palev, Representations with a highest weight of the Lie
algebra $gl\infty$.
- Preprint JINR P5-88-875 (1988)(in Russian)
- Funkt. Anal. Prilozh. 24 No 1, 82 (1990) (in Russian)
- Funct. Anal. Appl. 24 72 (1990) (English translation)
- T.D. Palev, Highest weight irreducible unitary representations
of the Lie algebras of infinite matrices.
I. The algebra $gl(\infty)$.
Journ. Math. Phys. 31 579 (1990)
- T.D. Palev, N.I. Stoilova, Finite-dimensional representations of
the Lie superalgebra gl(2/2) in
a gl(2) $\oplus$ gl(2) basis. II. Nontypical representations.
Journ. Math. Phys. 31 953 (1990)
- T.D. Palev, Representations with a highest weight of the Lie
algebra $a\infty$.
- Funkt. Anal. Prilozh. 24 No 3, 88 (1990) (in Russian)
- Funct. Anal. Appl. 24 250 (1990) (English translation)
- T.D. Palev, Highest weight irreducible unitarizable
representations of the Lie algebras of infinite matrices.
I.The algebra $A\infty$ .
Journ. Math. Phys. 31 1078 (1990)
- E. Celeghini, T.D. Palev, M. Tarlini, The quantum superalgebra
B(0/1) and q-deformed creation
and annihilation operators.
- Preprint YITP/K-865, Kyoto (1990)
- Mod. Phys. Lett. B5 187 (1991)
- T.D. Palev, V.N. Tolstoy, Finite-dimensional irreducible
representations of the quantum
superalgebra Uq[gl(n/1)].
- Preprint YITP/K-879, Kyoto (1990)
- Lect. Notes in Physics 382, p.177 (Edited by V.V. Dodonov and
V.I. Manko, Springer-Verlag,1991).
Proc. XVIII Int. Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods
in Physics, Moscow (1990))
- T.D. Palev, Lie superalgebras, infinite-dimensional algebras and
quantum statistics.
- Preprint YITP/K-888, Kyoto (1990)
- Rep. Math. Phys. 31 241 (1992) (No 3)
- T.D. Palev, V.N. Tolstoy, Finite-dimensional irreducible
representations of the quantum
superalgebra Uq[gl(n/1)].
- Preprint YITP/K-887, Kyoto (1990)
- Comm. Math. Phys. 141 549 (1991)
- T.D. Palev, N.I. Stoilova, Osp(3/2) noncanonical quantum
Sakharov Memorial Lectures in Physics (Eds. L. V. Kelsysh and
V. Ya.
Feinberg, Nove Sci. Publ. New York)
Proceedings of the First International
Sakharov Conference on
Physics, Moscow, May 27-31, 1991
- T.D. Palev, N.I. Stoilova, Classification of all three-dimensional
noncanonical quantum oscillators
generating classical Lie superalgebras,
Classical and Quantum Systems - Foundations and Symmetries,
(Ed. H.D. Doebner, W. Schehrer, F. Schroeck, Jr.;
World Scientific, Singapore,
1993). Proceedings of the II International Wigner
Symposium, July 16-20,
1991, Goslar, Germany).
- N.A. Ky, T.D. Palev, N.I. Stoilova, Transformations of some
induced osp(3/2) modules in an so(3) $\oplus$ sp(2) basis.
- Preprint ICTP Trieste IC/91/192
- Journ. Math. Phys. 33 1841 (1992)
- T.D. Palev, N.I. Stoilova, Wigner Quantum Systems: Noncanonical
osp(3/2) Oscillator.
Preprint Concordia University 1/92, Montreal (1992)
- T.D. Palev, A Quanutm osp(3/2) Superalgebra Freely Generated by
Deformed Para Operators
and its Morphism onto a Wq(1/1) Clfford-Weyl Algebra.
- Preprint Concordia University 5/92, Montreal (1992)
- Journ. Math. Phys. 34, 4872 (1993)
- T.D. Palev, N.I. Stoilova, On a Possible Algebra Morpism of
Uq[osp(1/2n)] onto the Deformed Oscillator
Algebra Wq(n).
- Symmetries in Sciences VI (Ed.B.Gruber, Plenum Press, New York).
Proceedings of the symposium
held August 2-7, 1992 in Kloster Mehrerau, Breegenz,
- Preprint ICTP Trieste, IC/93/54 (1993)
- hep-th/9303142
- Lett. Math. Phys. 28 187 (1993)
- T.D. Palev, Oscillator Generators for Quantum Algebras. The
Algebra Uq[oso(3/2)].
Proceedings of the XIX ICGTMP. Anales de Fisica,
Monograf'ias. Vol. 1,
p. 165. M. O. and J. M. G. (Eds.). CIEMAT/RSEF, Madrid (1993)
- T.D. Palev, A Superalgebra Morpism of Uq[osp(1/2n)] onto
the Deformed Oscillator
W (n).
- Preprint TWI-93-17, Dept. of Applied Mathematics and
Computer Science, University of Ghent (1993)
- hep-th/9305071
- Lett. Math. Phys. 28 321 (1993)
- T.D. Palev and N.I. Stoilova, Finite-Dimensional Representations
of the Quantum Superalgebra Uq[gl(3/2)]
in a Reduced Uq[gl(3/2)] $\supset$ Uq[gl(3/1)]
$\supset$ Uq[gl(3)] Basis.
- Preprint TWI-93-21, Dept. of Applied Mathematics and
Computer Science, University of Ghent (1993)
- Preprint ICTP, Trieste, IC/93/123 (1993)
- hep-th/9305136
- J. Phys. A 26 5867 (1993)
- T.D. Palev, Quantization of Uq[osp(1/2n)] with deformed
para-Bose operators,
- Preprint TWI-93-24, Dept. of Applied Mathematics and
Computer Science, University of Ghent (1993)
- hep-th/9306016
- J. Phys. A 26 L1111 (1993)
- T.D. Palev, N.I. Stoilova and J. Van der Jeugt, Finite-Dimensional
Representations of the Quantum
Superalgebra Uq[gl(n/m)] and related q-identities.
- Preprint TWI-93-30, Dept. of Applied Mathematics and
Computer Science, University of Ghent (1993)
- Preprint ICTP, Trieste, IC/93/157 (1993)
- hep-th/9306149
- Comm. Math. Phys. 166 367-378 (1994)
- T.D. Palev, Is it possible to extend the deformed Weyl algebra
Wq(n) to a Hopf algebra?
- Preprint ICTP, Trieste IC/93/163 (1993)
- hep-th/9307032
- T.D. Palev and N.I. Stoilova, Wigner quantum oscillators,
- Preprint ICTP, Trieste, IC/93/190 (1993)
- hep-th/9307102
- J. Phys. A 27 977 (1994)
- T.D. Palev, Quantization of Uq[so(2n+1)] with
deformed para-Fermi operators
- Preprint INRNE-TH-93/7
- hep-th/9311163
- Lett. Math. Phys. 31 151 (1994)
- T.D. Palev and N.I. Stoilova, Wigner quantum oscillators.
Osp(3/2) oscillators.
- Preprint INRNE-TH-94/3 (1994)
- hep-th/9405125
- Preprint ICTP, Trieste, IC/94/259 (1994)
- J. Phys. A 27 7387 (1994)
- T.D. Palev, Algebraic structure of the Greens's ansatz
and its q-deformed analogue.
- Preprint INRNE-TH-94/4 (1994)
- hep-th/9406066
- Preprint ICTP, Trieste, IC/94/260 (1994)
- J. Phys. A 27 7373 (1994)
- T.D. Palev, Quantization of the Lie algebra so(2n+1) and of the
Lie superalgebra osp(1/2n) with preoscillator generators.
- Preprint TWI-94-29, Dept. of Applied Math. and
Computer Science, University of Ghent (1994)
- hep-th/9412060
- J. Group Theor. Phys. 3 1 (1995)
- T.D. Palev and J. Van der Jeugt, The quantum superalgebra
Uq[osp(1/2n)]: deformed para-Bose
operators and root of unity representations.
- Preprint TWI-95-1, Dept. of Applied Math. and
Computer Science, University of Ghent (1995)
- q-alg/9501020
- J. Phys. A 28 2605 (1995)
- T.D. Palev and N.I. Stoilova, Wigner quantum oscillators.
Proceedings of the Yamada Conference XL
and XX ICGTMP, Toyanoka,
Japan, July 4-9, 1994
(Ed. A. Arima, T. Eguchi and N. Nakanishi,
Scientific Pub. Co Pte, 1995), p. 386
- T.D. Palev and N.I. Stoilova, Unitarizable representations
of the deformed para-Bose superalgebra
Uq[osp(1/2)] at roots of 1.
- Preprint ICTP, Trieste, IC/95/97 (1995)
- q-alg/9507026
- J. Phys. A 28 7275 (1995)
- T.D. Palev and N.I. Stoilova, New solutions of the Yang-Baxter
equations based on root of 1 representations of the para-Bose
superalgebra Uq[osp(1/2)].
- Preprint ICTP, Trieste, IC/95/190 (1995)
- q-alg/9507027
- J. Phys. A 29 709 (1996)
- T.D. Palev, A description of the Lie superalgebra
osp(2n+1/2m) via Green generators.
- Preprint GCR-95/11/03 (1995) of the University
Piere and Marie Curie, Paris
- Preprint INRNE-TH-96/1 (1996)
- J. Phys. A 29 L171 (1996)
- T.D. Palev and N.I. Stoilova, Many-body Wigner quantum
- Preprint ICTP, Trieste, IC/96/82 (1996)
- HEP-TH-9606011
- Journ. Math. Phys. 38 2506-2523 (1997)
- T.D. Palev, An analogue of Holstein-Primakoff and Dyson
realizations for Lie superalgebras. The Lie superalgebras sl(1/n).
- Preprint ICTP, Trieste, IC/96/91 (1996)
- Preprint SISSA, Trieste, SISSA-93/96/FM (1996)
- hep-th/9607221
- Journ. Nonlin. Math. Phys. 4 287-292 (1997)
- T.D. Palev, A Holstein-Primakoff and Dyson
realizations for the Lie superalgebra gl(m/n+1).
- Preprint ICTP, Trieste, IC/96/101 (1996)
- Preprint SISSA, Trieste, SISSA-97/96/FM (1996)
- hep-th/9607222
- J. Phys. A 30 8273-8278 (1997)
- T.D. Palev, A description of the quantum superalgebra
Uq[osp(2n+1/2m)] via Green generators.
- Preprint ICTP, Trieste, IC/96/127 (1996)
- Preprint SISSA, Trieste, SISSA-119/96/FM (1996)
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- R.C. King, T.D. Palev, N.I. Stoilova and J. Van der Jeugt,
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- H.D. Doebner, T.D. Palev, N.I. Stoilova, On deformed
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- T.D. Palev, N.I. Stoilova, Wigner quantum systems,
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in Physics" (Editors H.D. Doebner and V.K. Dobrev,
16 - 22 June 2003, Varna, Bulgaria)