Alumni 1976—1981 of the Department of Physics of the
Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”
18 years Virtual home at Internet, “THE GATHERING PLACE OF THE PHYSICISTS 1981” |
The Main List
of alumni 1981 physics students contains all the information we manage to collect about ourselves; its distribution and content is approved by any one mentioned in it and having valid coordinates. Other file formats are available upon request. The list is compared with the archive of the physical department of the Sofia University and, in this sense, it is complete.
The Additional List
contain information about our fellow-students that have interrupted, changed etc. their education; it is compiled from the archive of the physical department of the Sofia University.
The Dynamical List
represents some of the main contact data filled in by the participants in this Information system. It is supposed to be the most up-to-date list of the three ones because anyone is supposed to make the corresponding changes, additions, corrections etc. in its own data in time and when it is neccessary.
There is not "censorship" in this list and the data in it appear as they are given by the participants (which obey the rules of this Information system).
Lists by wish
could be done by anyone who wants to see more info.
The lists contain the latest available information and are updated whenever new and/or updated data arrive.
For mantaining the lists up-to-date, please inform Bozho for changes on your own coordinates and/or new valid coorinates of our fellow-students, if any.
Designed by and responsible for this site:
Bozhidar Z. Iliev |
The site is created on 1 October 2006 |
The site is last updated on 20 December 2024 |
Site Statistics: Visitors since 1 October 2006 |