Forward, the science is a sun ...
“The Gathering Place”

of the physicists 1981
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Forward, the science is a sun ...
Alumni 1976—1981 of the Department of Physics of the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski
18 years Virtual home at Internet,
Lists Information System

The Information System (InfoSys) of this site aims to give fast and user-friendly acces to a lot of data (but not all data!) contained in it. For convenience some data are available from more than one place. In particular, via it one can view photos, access announcements and programs of Gatherings, enter data in our databases and view info from them.


RegSys Registration System

The registration system (RegSys) of the site is integrated into the Information system in the form of the Personal Offices of the fellow-students of Alumni 1981 physics. This is the best place from where one can eneter and manage all of his/her informtion on the site. The Registration system can be used also independently for any kind of entering and/or modifying data via the Registration Entering Page or the links presented in the other main sections of the site accessible, for instance, via the left menu panel.



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World domination   Designed by and responsible for this site:  
Bozhidar Z. Iliev E-mail to Bozho
The site is
created on
  1 October 2006  
The site is
last updated on
  27 July 2024  
Site Statistics:
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since 1 October 2006
® “THE GATHERING PLACE of the physicists 1981”  © ➜ Author/By: Bozhidar Iliev (Bozho) 2006—2024