Forward, the science is a sun ...
“The Gathering Place”

of the physicists 1981
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Forward, the science is a sun ...
Alumni 1976—1981 of the Department of Physics of the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski
18 years Virtual home at Internet,
Suggestions and opinions Suggestions and Opinions

Related items: the sections Gathering council and Wisdom and Folklore.


There are accomulated Important Proposals for Gatherings. For the time being they are only in a form of ideas. Those of them which have realistic future to happen are transfered in the section Coming Gatherings.

The Opinions and Recommendations for our past and future common activities are importand factor for have we succed in the past and shall we succed in the future. Here are not published messages that are anonymous, clear personal relations, contain insults, are agressive and/or evil-minded, etc

All fellow-students are kindly ask to express their
Suggestions and/or Opinions for New Gatherings and/or for the Gathering Activity

New gatherings
of the fellow-students of alumni 1981 physics
α ➜ Beginning: October 20, 2008 at 00:00
ω ➜ Dead line: April 18, 2358 at 24:00

for the Gathering activities
from the fellow-students
alumni 1981 physics
α ➜ Beginning: October 21, 2008 at 00:00
ω ➜ Dead line: April 18, 2359 at 24:00

Exemplary current suggestions for New Gatherings that are subject to possible changes
Preliminary registration and opinions/suggestions for corrections, changes, additions, ...
No. 1
Suggestion for
sea Gathering in Turkey
5-6 days at the beginning of September 2019/2020
α ➜ Beginning: January 19, 2018 at 00:00
ω ➜ Dead line: August 04, 2020 at 24:00
  ◰/◶ ?? Arrival/departure:
        01/06 September 2019
More info: Will be Open in New windows
  1. ▬ not available

Opens in NEW window Some Results of data entering :
List of Registered Persons
Select info and view it
Opinions and Suggestions
Announcements to all
◈► “The Information System” for more ...

No. 2
Suggestion for
Gathering at the Black sea in Bulgaria
3-11 September 2019/2020
α ➜ Beginning: January 19, 2018 at 00:00
ω ➜ Dead line: August 14, 2020 at 24:00
  ◰/◶ ?? Arrival/departure:
        03/11 September 2019
More info: Will be Open in New windows
  1. ▬ not available

Opens in NEW window Some Results of data entering :
List of Registered Persons
Select info and view it
Opinions and Suggestions
Announcements to all
◈► “The Information System” for more ...

No. 3
Proposal for
Gathering to Argentina
possibly 2019/2020
α ➜ Beginning: January 12, 2018 at 00:00
ω ➜ Dead line: May 12, 2020 at 24:00
  ◰/◶ ?? Arrival/departure:
        03/11 September 2019
More info: Will be Open in New windows
  1. ▬ not available

Opens in NEW window Some Results of data entering :
List of Registered Persons
Select info and view it
Opinions and Suggestions
Announcements to all
◈► “The Information System” for more ...

See also the section Gathering Council for opinions and suggestions concerning th Gathering council.

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World domination   Designed by and responsible for this site:  
Bozhidar Z. Iliev E-mail to Bozho
The site is
created on
  1 October 2006  
The site is
last updated on
  18 July 2024  
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® “THE GATHERING PLACE of the physicists 1981”  © ➜ Author/By: Bozhidar Iliev (Bozho) 2006—2024