Forward, the science is a sun ...
“The Gathering Place”

of the physicists 1981
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Forward, the science is a sun ...
Alumni 1976—1981 of the Department of Physics of the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski
19 years Virtual home at Internet,
History & WEB design Some History and Web design info

The first idea for a gathering of alumni 1981 physics students arose in 2001 in a conversation between Bozhidar Iliev and Ivan Videnov Grigorov. However, no actions were taken and all remained on words only.

A catalyser for the organization of the 9 December 2006 gathering was a visit of Nikolay Kostov and Asen Kyuldjiev to Bozhidar Iliev on July 23, 2006. They remind him for the 25-th anniversary of our alumni. This was enough as he already had similar thoughts and was ready to begin the preparation and organization of the celebration of this anniversary. The initial idea for making someting for our 25-th anniversary belongs to Nikolay Kostov. Assen Kuyljiev is responsible for asking Bozhidar Iliev for assitance.

The list of alumni 1981 Physics Students was build by the common efforts of many of us.
      The origin of the initial list is in the 1981 address archive of Bozhidar Iliev. Then it was extended via the joint mutual search of 1981 physics graduates coordinated by him.
      The archive of the physical department of the Sofia University was used too.
      Essential contributions were made by Bozhidar Iliev (from June 2006 and till now) and Lida Rogleva (September - November 2006), which actively participated in the search of fellow-students, their coordinates and the organization of our first gathering.

The 1976—1981 photos presented on this site are collected by our teams' efforts.
      Special thanks go to Stoil Marinov, Lida Rogleva, Vessela Tsakova, and Ventsislav Pavlov.
      All photos were collected and computer proceeded by Bozhidar Iliev: their quality was improved, many photos were made via cropping from the original ones, selection of photos, the generation of the albums, etc.

This web site is created and maintained by Bozhidar Z. Iliev.
          He has written the code of the site files and grants to anybody the right to use this code freely. If the code is used by someone, an acknowledgment to Bozhidar Iliev (Bozho) will be appreciated.
          The static pages of the site are written in the language “HTML 5” and use the CSS 3 box model and, consequently, there may exist problems when they will be viewed with earlier versions of the presently existing browsers. The dynamic pages are written via PHP language. Some dynamical effects are made via JavaScript.
          As an object-relational database management system is chosen PostgreSQL.
          All pages of this site use the encoding Unicode (UTF-8). The data entering on the site fully supports this encoding.
          Most of the pages of the site have Bulgarian and English versions but some pages are only in Bulgarian as they are for the fellow-students all of which know Bulgarian.
          Please notе that not all dynamical/flash effects are supported by all browsers (e.g. Internet Explorer). So, do not blame the author of this site for all failures in it!

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NB: A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new. (Albert Einstein)

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NB: This website complies with the requirements of the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679, which entered into force on 25 May 2018,

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World domination   Designed by and responsible for this site:  
Bozhidar Z. Iliev E-mail to Bozho
The site is
created on
  1 October 2006  
The site is
last updated on
  8 March 2025  
Site Statistics:
Site counter  Visitors
since 1 October 2006
® “THE GATHERING PLACE of the physicists 1981”  © ➜ Author/By: Bozhidar Iliev (Bozho) 2006—2025