Forward, the science is a sun ...
“The Gathering Place”

of the physicists 1981
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Forward, the science is a sun ...
Alumni 1976—1981 of the Department of Physics of the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski
18 years Virtual home at Internet,
Active events Active events and registrations

Related items: List of Events with info and List of Events with data links

This site is a home of the following current events:

  1. Registration for Gathering of Alumni 1981 Physics Devin 2024 16—20 ► ◑ See more info
  2. Registration for Gathering of Alumni 1981 Physics Sofia 20 January 2025 ► ◑ See more info
  3. Registration for Gathering of Alumni 1981 Physics Vitosha 19—20 September 2025 ► ◑ See more info
  4. Suggestion for sea Gathering in Turkey 5-6 days at the beginning of September 2019/2020 ► ◑ See more info
  5. Suggestion for Gathering at the Black sea in Bulgaria 3-11 September 2019/2020 ► ◑ See more info
  6. Proposal for Gathering to Argentina possibly 2019/2020 ► ◑ See more info
  7. Suggestions for New gatherings of the fellow-students of alumni 1981 physics ► ◑ See more info
  8. Personal offices of alumni 1981 physics ► ◑ See more info
  9. Opinions/suggestions for the Gathering activities from the fellow-students from alumni 1981 physics ► ◑ See more info
  10. Suggestions/opinions for the Gathering council of alumni 1981 physics from its members ► ◑ See more info
  11. Suggestions/opinions for the Gathering council of alumni 1981 physics from all fellow-students ► ◑ See more info
  12. Suggestions for the section “Wisdom and Folklore” (Murphy-type laws, wisdom thoughts/morals, ...) ► ◑ See more info


The Personal Offices are the best places for data entering and mandgement in the site.

The Information System is the best place for veiwing a lot of data contained in this site.



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World domination   Designed by and responsible for this site:  
Bozhidar Z. Iliev E-mail to Bozho
The site is
created on
  1 October 2006  
The site is
last updated on
  27 July 2024  
Site Statistics:
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since 1 October 2006
® “THE GATHERING PLACE of the physicists 1981”  © ➜ Author/By: Bozhidar Iliev (Bozho) 2006—2024