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Bulgarian Flag Бъл/Bul List of the Current Events with Info for them
Britain Flag Анг/Eng

See also and a List with data links.

  1. The Devin gathering 2024
    Title: Registration for Gathering of Alumni 1981 Physics
    Sub-title: Devin
    Dates/info: 2024
    Details: 17—-20
    Gala Dinner: 19 June 2024
    More info: Will be Open in New windows
    1. Announcement
    2. Program
    3. Financial account

  2. The Sofia gathering 2025
    Title: Registration for Gathering of Alumni 1981 Physics
    Sub-title: Sofia
    Dates/info: 20 January 2025
    Gala Dinner: 17 PM
    More info: Will be Open in New windows
    1. Announcement
    2. Program
    3. Financial account

  3. The Vitosha gathering 2025
    Title: Registration for Gathering of Alumni 1981 Physics
    Sub-title: Vitosha
    Dates/info: 19—20 September 2025
    Gala Dinner: 19 September 2025 (saturday)
    More info: Will be Open in New windows
    1. Announcement
    2. Program
    3. Financial account

  4. Suggestion for Turkey gathering 2019/2020
    Super-title: Suggestion for
    Title: sea Gathering in Turkey
    Dates/info: 5-6 days at the beginning of September 2019/2020
    Gala Dinner: September 6, 8 pm
    More info: Will be Open in New windows
    1. ▬ not available

  5. Suggestion for Black sea gathering 2019/2020
    Super-title: Suggestion for
    Title: Gathering at the Black sea in Bulgaria
    Dates/info: 3-11 September 2019/2020
    Gala Dinner: September 6, 8 pm
    More info: Will be Open in New windows
    1. ▬ not available

  6. Suggestion for Argentina gathering 2019/2020
    Super-title: Proposal for
    Sub-title: Gathering to Argentina
    Dates/info: possibly 2019/2020
    Gala Dinner: October 14 (?), 7:30 pm
    More info: Will be Open in New windows
    1. ▬ not available

  7. Suggestions for New Gatherings of alumni 1981 Physics
    Super-title: Suggestions
    Title: for
    Sub-title: New gatherings
    Details: of the fellow-students of alumni 1981 physics
    More info: Will be Open in New windows
    1. Other data

  8. Personal offices of alumni 1981 physics
    Title: Personal offices
    Details: of alumni 1981 physics
    More info: Will be Open in New windows
    1. Info

  9. Opinions/suggestions for the Gathering activities
    Super-title: Opinions/suggestions
    Title: for the Gathering activities
    Sub-title: from the fellow-students
    Dates/info: from
    Details: alumni 1981 physics
    More info: Will be Open in New windows
    1. Info

  10. Suggestions/opinions for the Gathering council from its members
    Super-title: Suggestions/opinions for the Gathering council
    Title: of alumni 1981 physics
    Sub-title: from its members
    More info: Will be Open in New windows
    1. Info

  11. Suggestions/opinions for the Gathering council - from All
    Super-title: Suggestions/opinions for the Gathering council
    Title: of alumni 1981 physics
    Sub-title: from all fellow-students
    More info: Will be Open in New windows
    1. Info

  12. Suggestions for “Wisdom and Folklore”
    Super-title: Suggestions
    Title: for the section “Wisdom and Folklore”
    Sub-title: (Murphy-type laws, wisdom thoughts/morals, ...)
    More info: Will be Open in New windows
    1. Info
® “THE GATHERING PLACE of the physicists 1981”  © ➜ Author/By: Bozhidar Iliev (Bozho) 2006—2024