Forward, the science is a sun ...
“The Gathering Place”

of the physicists 1981
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Forward, the science is a sun ...
Alumni 1976—1981 of the Department of Physics of the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski
18 years Virtual home at Internet,
CoordinatorCouncil Gathering Council

The Gathering Council is a structure which discusses and take decisions for events of general significance for our alumni and spends common finaces, if any.

Organization Rules govern the functioning of the Gathering council.

The List of the Members of the Gathering council is open for all fellow-students that would like to participate in it according to the rules.


The Decisions of the Sessions of the Gathering council reflect the opinions of its members and regulate the work of the Gathering council itself, as well as the activities (“The Activities”) it organizes in accordance with its organization rules. The Rules for participation in gatherings are part of these decisions.


The Main finance page of the Gathering council reflects the current state of available money in its fund. The Generalized finance page gives an idea of the main credits and debits of the Council up to a fixed date.


The electronic forms of the Gathering council are intended for writing official documents on behalf of its name and the Reminder for the Administrator Password is for its members in a case they need this.

Opinions and suggestions for the functioning of the Gathering council

Suggestions/opinions for the Gathering council
of alumni 1981 physics
from all fellow-students
α ➜ Beginning: October 22, 2008 at 00:00
ω ➜ Dead line: April 18, 2361 at 24:00

Suggestions/opinions for the Gathering council
of alumni 1981 physics
from its members
α ➜ Beginning: October 23, 2008 at 00:00
ω ➜ Dead line: April 18, 2360 at 24:00

See also the section Suggestions and Opinions for other opinions and suggestions.

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World domination   Designed by and responsible for this site:  
Bozhidar Z. Iliev E-mail to Bozho
The site is
created on
  1 October 2006  
The site is
last updated on
  18 July 2024  
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® “THE GATHERING PLACE of the physicists 1981”  © ➜ Author/By: Bozhidar Iliev (Bozho) 2006—2024