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1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989 |
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A List of papers sorted by subject is also available.
There is also a Complete distribution table.
A (partial) List of citations is available.

The scientific works of Bozhidar
Z. Iliev
are published in the following (types
of) publications:
(Click here to view a complete list/distribution table)
- Books (monographs)
- Papers in scientific journals (in
alphabetical order):
- Bulgarian Journal of Physics
- Bulletin de la Soci\'et\'e des Sciences et des Lettres de Łódź
- Comptes rendus de L'Academie bulgare des Sciences (Proceedings of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
- International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics
- International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
- International Journal of Mathematics, Game Theory and Algebra
- International Journal of Modern Physics A
- International Journal of Theoretical Physics, Group Theory, and Nonlinear Optics (til 2015)
- Journal of Geometry and Physics
- Journal of Geometry and Symmetry in Physics
- Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General
- JP Journal of Geometry and Topology
- Physica Scripta
- Collections of Papers
- Proceedings of International Conferences (full text papers)
- Proceedings of International Workshops (full text papers)
- Abstracts of International Conferences
- JINR Communications (Dubna, Russia)
- Theses
- E-prints (electronic preprints):
- http://arXiv.org e-Print archive
List of All Bozho's arXiv e-prints
- http://arXiv.org e-Print archive
List of all published
scientific papers of
Zakhariev Iliev
arranged in chronological order


- Iliev B.Z., Measuring the evaluation and impact of scientic works and their authorss,
Journal of Geometry and Symmetry in Physics, vol. 40, pp. 69—119, 2015 (Published March 2016).
- Iliev B.Z., Modern bibliometric indicators and achievements of authors,
Journal of Geometry and Symmetry in Physics, vol. 33, pp. 111—128, 2014.
- Iliev B.Z.,Measuring the evaluation and impact of scientific works and their authors,
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. arXiv:1311.6948 [cs.DL], 2013.
- Iliev B.Z., Transformation laws of the components of classical and quantum fields and Heisenberg relations,
International Journal of Modern Physics A, vol. 27, No. 26, pp. 1250152-1—1250152-24, 2012, DOI No. 10.1142/S0217751X12501527;
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. arXiv:1203.6254 [math-ph], 2012.
- Iliev B.Z., A mathematical base for fibre bundle formulation of Lagrangian
quantum field theory,
In: International Workshop on Complex Structures, Integrability and Vector Fields, Sofia, Bulgaria, 13—17 September 2010, AIP Conference Proceedings Vol. 1340, Editors: Kouei Sekigava, Vladimir S. Gerdjikov, Yasuo Matsusita and Ivailo Mladenov, American Institute of Physics, Meilville, New York, 2011;
Report presented at the 10th International Workshop on "Complex Structures, Integrability and Vector Fields", Sofia, Bulgaria, 13—17 September 2010, Available as LaTeX.tex file or Acrobat.pdf file;
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. arXiv:1010.3892 [math-ph], 2010.
- Iliev B.Z., Heisenberg relations in the general case,
In "Trends in differential geometry, complex analysis and mathematical physics", Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on "Complex Structures, integrability and Vector Fields", Sofia, Bulgaria, 25—29 August 2008. Editors Kouei Sekigava, Vladimir S. Gerdjikov and Stancho Dimiev, World Scientific, New Jersey-London-Singapore-Beijing-Shanghai-Hong Kong-Taipei-Chennai, 2009. pp.120—130;
Report presented at the 9th International Workshop on "Complex Structures, Integrability and Vector Fields", Sofia, Bulgaria, 25—29 August 2008, Available as LaTeX.tex file or Acrobat.pdf file;
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. 0809.0174 [math-ph], 2008.
- Iliev B.Z., The “Lorenz gauge” is named in honour of Ludowig Valentin Lorenz!,
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. arXiv:08.03.0047 [physics.hist-ph], 2008. - Iliev B.Z., Affine and fundamental vector fields,
International Journal of Mathematics, Game Theory and Algebra, vol.17, No.3, pp.105—124, 2008.
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. math.DG/0602006, 2006. - Iliev B.Z., Fibre bundle formulation of relativistic quantum mechanics. II. Covariant approach,
International Journal of Theoretical Physics, Group Theory, and Nonlinear Optics, vol.12, No.2, pp.85—102, 2008.
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. quant-ph/0107002, 2001. - Iliev B.Z., Momentum picture of motion in Lagrangian quantum field theory,
International Journal of Theoretical Physics, Group Theory, and Nonlinear Optics, vol.12, No.2, pp.103—121, 2008.
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. hep-th/0311003, 2003. - Iliev B.Z., Connections, parallel transports and transports along paths,
International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics, vol.5, No.7, pp.1137—1162, 2008. DOI No. 10.1142/S0219887808003260;
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. math.DG/0504010v4, 2008.
- Iliev B.Z., Normal frames and linear transports
along paths in line bundles.
Applications to classical electrodynamics,
In "Topics in contemporary differential geometry, complex analysis and mathematical physics", Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on "Complex Structures and Vector Fields", Sofia, Bulgaria, 21—26 August 2006. Editors Stancho Dimiev and Kouei Sekigava, World Scientific, New Jersey-London-Singapore-Hong Kong, 2007. pp.119—129;
Report presented at the 8th International Workshop on "Complex Structures and Vector Fields", Sofia, Bulgaria, 21—26 August 2006, Available as LaTeX.tex file or Acrobat.pdf file;
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. math-ph/0603002, 2006. - Iliev B.Z.,Lagrangian quantum field theory in momentum picture. IV. Commutation relations,
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. arXiv:0704.0066 [hep-th], April 1, 2007.
Iliev B.Z., Handbook of Normal Frames and Coordinates,
Series: Progress in Mathematical Physics, Vol. 42,
Birkhäuser Verlag AG, Basel-Boston-Berlin, 2006,
468 pages.
Format: Hardcover.
ISBN (ISBN-10): 3-7643-7618-X
ISBN-13: 978-3-7643-7618-5
EAN: 9783764376185.
For more information about this book, visit the Internet page http://www.springer.com/birkhauser/mathematics/book/978-3-7643-7618-5.
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. math.DG/0610037, 2006.
Proposition 8.1 in section 8 of chapter V contains an error.
A completely revised and extended version of section V.8, which contains also new results, can be downloaded here in pdf format; in particular, in it an error in the formulation of proposition V.8.1 (now theorem V.8.1) is corrected.- Iliev B.Z., On the axiomatization of "parallel transport" and its generalization,
Tensor, N. S., vol.62, No.2, pp.170—181;
Report presented at the 8th International Conference of Tensor Society on "Differential geometry, functional and complex analysis, informatics and their applications", Varna, Bulgaria, 22—26 August, 2005;
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. math-ph/0510005, 2005.
The Printed verstion and the First electronic version of the work contain an error in proposition 5.1.
In the Second electronic version is corrected an error in the formulation of proposition 5.1 (now theorem 5.1).
- Iliev B.Z., Connection theory on differentiable fibre bundles: A concise introduction,
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, vol.2006, Article No.56397, pp.1—51, 2006, DOI No. 10.1155/IJMMS/2006/56397;
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. math-ph/0510004, 2005. - Iliev B.Z., M. Rahula, Linear vector fields and exponential law,
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. math.DG/0604005, 2006. - Iliev B.Z., Normal frames for general connections on differentiable fibre bundles,
Journal of Geometry and Physics, vol.56, No.5, pp.780—812, 2006, DOI No. 10.1016/j.geomphys.2005.04.018;
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. math.DG/0405004, 2004.
- Iliev B.Z., Lagrangian quantum field theory in momentum picture. III. Free vector fields,
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. hep-th/0505007, 2005. - Iliev B.Z., Lagrangian quantum field theory in momentum picture,
In: "Quantum Field Theory: New Research", Editor O. Kovras, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, 2005, pp.1—66;
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. hep-th/0402006, 2004. - Iliev B.Z., Links between connections, parallel transports and transports along paths
in differentiable fibre bundles,
International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics, vol.2, No. 5, pp. 823—838, 2005, DOI No. 10.1142/S0219887805000806;
Talk at the International Workshop on "Advanced Geometric Methods in Physics", Florence, Italy, 14—18 April, 2005;
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. math.DG/0504010, 2005.
The Printed verstion and the First electronic version of the work contain an error in proposition 4.1.
The Second electronic version of the work is completely revised and extended with new results; in particular, an error in the formulation of proposition 4.1 (now theorem 4.1) is corrected.
In the Third electronic version is added a section devoted to (parallel) transports in topological bundles.
In the Fourth electronic version is added a section devoted to some peculiarities of (parallel) transports in vector bundles.
- Iliev B.Z., Normal frames and linear transports along paths in vector bundles,
JP Journal of Geometry and Topology, vol.5, No.3, pp.187—250, 2005;
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. gr-qc/9809084, 1998. - Iliev B.Z., On fibre bundle
formulation of classical and statistical mechanics,
In "Contemporary aspects of complex analysis, differential geometry and mathematical physics", Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on "Complex Structures and Vector Fields", Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 31 August—4 September 2004. Editors Stancho Dimiev and Kouei Sekigava, World Scientific, New Jersey-London-Singapore-Hong Kong, 2005. pp.100—108;
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. physics/0109033, 2001.
- Iliev B.Z., Equivalence
principle in classical electrodynamics,
In: "Has the last word been said on classical electrodynamics?—classical electrodynamics: New Horizons", editors: Andrew Chubykalo, Vladimir Onoochin, Augusto Espinoza, Roman Smirnov-Rueda, Princeton, NJ, Rinton Press, 2004, pp.385—403, ISBN-13: 978-1589490369, ISBN-10: 1589490363;
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. gr-qc/0303002, 2003. - Iliev B.Z.,Lagrangian
quantum field theory in momentum picture. II. Free spinor fields,
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. hep-th/0405008, 2004. - Iliev B.Z., Pictures and
equations of motion in Lagrangian quantum field theory,
In: "Studies in Mathematical Physics Research", Editor Charles V. Benton, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, 2004. pp.83—125. ISBN-10: 1594540276, ISBN-13: 978-1594540271;
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. hep-th/0302002, 2003. - Iliev B.Z., On momentum operator
in quantum field theory,
In: "Frontiers in quantum physics research", Editors Frank Columbus and Volodymyr Krasnoholovets, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, 2004, pp.143—156, ISBN: 1594540020, ISBN13: 9781594540028;
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. hep-th/0206008, 2002. - Iliev B.Z., On angular
momentum operator in quantum field theory,
In: "Frontiers in quantum physics research", Editors Frank Columbus and Volodymyr Krasnoholovets, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, 2004, pp.129—143, ISBN: 1594540020, ISBN13: 9781594540028;
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. hep-th/0211153, 2002. - Iliev B.Z., On conserved
operator quantities in quantum field theory,
In: "Frontiers in quantum physics research", Editors Frank Columbus and Volodymyr Krasnoholovets, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, 2004, pp.157—166, ISBN: 1594540020, ISBN13: 9781594540028;
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. hep-th/0301134, 2003.
- Iliev B.Z., On
operator differentiation in the action principle in quantum field theory,
In "Trends in Complex Analysis, Differential Geometry and Mathematical Physics", Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Complex Structures and Vector Fields, 3—6 September 2002, St. Konstantin resort (near Varna), Bulgaria, Editors Stancho Dimiev and Kouei Sekigava, World Scientific, New Jersey-London-Singapore-Hong Kong, 2003. pp.76—107;
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. hep-th/0204003, 2002. - Iliev B.Z., Fibre bundle formulation
of relativistic quantum mechanics. I. Time-dependent approach,
Physica Scripta, vol.68, No.1, pp.22—31, 2003, DOI No. 10.1238/Physica.Regular.068a00022, see also here;
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. quant-ph/0105056, 2001. - Iliev B.Z., Normal frames for
derivations and linear connections and the equivalence principle,
Journal of Geometry and Physics, vol.45, No.1—2, pp.24—53, 2003, DOI No. 10.1016/S0393-0440(02)00119-5;
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. hep-th/0110194, 2001.
- Iliev B.Z., On metric-connection compatibility and the signature change of space-time,
Physica Scripta, vol.66, No.6, pp.401—409, 2002;
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. gr-qc/9802058, 1998 - Iliev B.Z., Fibre bundle formulation
of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics. IV. Mixed states and evolution transport's
International Journal of Modern Physics A, vol.17, No.2, pp.229—243, 2002, DOI No. 10.1142/S0217751X02005669;
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. quant-ph/9901039, 1999. - Iliev B.Z., Fibre bundle formulation
of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics. V. Interpretation, summary,
and discussion,
International Journal of Modern Physics A, vol.17, No.2, pp.245—258, 2002, DOI No. 10.1142/S0217751X02005712;
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. quant-ph/9902068, 1999. - Iliev B.Z., Fibre bundle formulation
of relativistic quantum mechanics,
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. quant-ph/0201085, 2002.
- Iliev B.Z., Fibre bundle formulation
of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics. I. Introduction. The evolution transport,
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, vol.34, No.23, pp.4887—4918, 2001, DOI No. 10.1088/0305-4470/34/23/308;
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. quant-ph/9803084, 1998. - Iliev B.Z., Fibre
bundle formulation of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics. II. Equations of
motion and observables,
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, vol.34, No.23, pp.4919—4934, 2001, DOI No. 10.1088/0305-4470/34/23/309;
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. quant-ph/9804062, 1998. - Iliev B.Z., Fibre bundle formulation
of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics. III. Pictures and integrals of motion,
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, vol.34, No.23, pp.4935—4950, 2001, DOI No. 10.1088/0305-4470/34/23/310;
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. quant-ph/9806046, 1998.
- Iliev B.Z., Fibre bundle formulation of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics (full version),
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. quant-ph/0004041, 2000. - Iliev B.Z., On a connection between Lorentzian and Euclidean metrics,
Journal of Geometry and Physics, vol.34, No.3—4, pp.321—335, 2000,DOI No. 10.1016/S0393-0440(99)00074-1;
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. gr-qc/9802057, 1998.
- Iliev B.Z., Comments on: “Quantum mechanics as a gauge theory of metaplectic spinor fields” by M. Reuter [Int. J. Mod. Phys. vol. A13 (1998), 3835—3884;
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. hep-th/9804036],
International Journal of Modern Physics A, vol.14, No.26, pp.4153—4159, 1999, DOI No. 10.1142/S0217751X99001949;
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. quant-ph/9902067, 1999.
- Iliev B.Z., Quantum mechanics from a geometric-observer's viewpoint,
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, vol.31, No.4, pp.1297—1305, 1998, DOI No. 10.1088/0305-4470/31/4/017;
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. quant-ph/9803083, 1998. - Iliev B.Z., Normal frames
and the validity of the equivalence principle III. The case along smooth maps
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, vol.31, No.4, pp.1287—1296, 1998, DOI No. 10.1088/0305-4470/31/4/016;
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. gr-qc/9805088, 1998. - Iliev B.Z., The principle of
equivalence: axiom or a theorem?,
In: Proceedings of the 9-th international seminar "Gravitational energy and gravitational waves",, JINR, Dubna, 8—12 December 1996, JINR (*), P2-97-401, Dubna, 1998, pp.97—104 (In Russian). - Iliev B.Z., Is the principle of equivalence a principle?,
Journal of Geometry and Physics, vol.24, No.3, pp.209—222, 1998, DOI No. 10.1016/S0393-0440(97)00011-9;
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. gr-qc/9806062, 1998.
- Iliev B.Z., Normal frames and the validity of the equivalence principle II. The case along paths,
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, vol.30, No.12, pp.4327—4336, 1997, DOI No. 10.1088/0305-4470/30/12/019;
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. gr-qc/9709053, 1997. - Iliev B.Z., Transports along maps in fibre bundles,
Communication JINR (*), E5-97-2, Dubna, 1997, 19 p;
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. dg-ga/9709016, 1997. - Iliev B.Z., Linear transports along paths in vector bundles. V. Properties of curvature and torsion,
Communication JINR (*), E5-97-1, Dubna, 1997, 11 p;
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. dg-ga/9709017, 1997.
- Iliev B.Z., Normal frames and the validity of the equivalence principle: I. Cases in a neighborhood and at a point,
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, vol.29, No.21, pp.6895—6901, 1996, DOI No. 10.1088/0305-4470/29/21/020;
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. gr-qc/9608019, 1996.
- Iliev B.Z., Generalized Doppler effect in spaces with a transport along paths,
Communication JINR (*), E5-95-160, Dubna, 1995, 12 pp.;
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. math-ph/0401033, 2004. - Iliev B.Z., Centre of mass in spaces with torsion free flat linear connection,
Communication JINR (*), E5-95-159, Dubna, 1995, 15 pp.;
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. gr-qc/0404002, 2004.
- Iliev B.Z., First order deviation
equations in spaces with a transport along paths,
Communication JINR (*), E2-94-189, Dubna, 1994, 15 pp.;
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. math-ph/0303038, 2003. - Iliev B.Z., Relative mechanical quantities in spaces with a transport along paths,
Communication JINR (*), E2-94-188, Dubna, 19 p, 1994;
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. math-ph/0310024, 2003. - Iliev B.Z., Deviation equations in spaces with a transport along paths,
Communication JINR (*), E2-94-40, Dubna, 1994, 22 p;
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. math-ph/0303002, 2003. - Iliev B.Z., Transports along paths in fibre bundles III. Consistency with bundle morphisms,
Communication JINR (*), E5-94-41, Dubna, 1994, 19 p;
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. dg-ga/9704004, 1997. - Iliev B.Z., Transports along paths in fibre bundles II. Ties with the theory of connections and parallel transports,
Communication JINR (*), E5-94-16, Dubna, 1994, 24 pp.;
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. math.DG/0503006. - Iliev B.Z., Linear transports along paths in vector bundles. IV. Consistency with bundle metrics,
Communication JINR (*), E5-94-17, Dubna, 1994, 22 p;
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. math.DG/0505008. - Iliev B.Z., Some generalizations
of the Jacobi identity with applications to the curvature- and torsion-depending
hamiltonians of particle systems,
In: "Deformations of Mathematical Structures II. Hurwitz-type structures and applications to surface physics", Papers from the Seminars on Deformations 1988—1992, Ed. J. Lawrynowicz, Kluwer, Academic Publishers Group, Dordrecht-Boston-London, pp.161—188, 1994.
- Iliev B.Z., Transports along paths in fibre bundles. General theory,
Communication JINR (*), E5-93-299, Dubna, 1993, 26 pp.;
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. math.DG/0503005. - Iliev B.Z., Linear transports along paths in vector bundles. III. Curvature and torsion,
Communication JINR (*), E5-93-261, Dubna, 1993, 12 pp.;
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. math.DG/0502008. - Iliev B.Z., Linear transports along paths in vector bundles. II. Some applications,
Communication JINR (*), E5-93-260, Dubna, 1993, 24 pp.;
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. math.DG/0412010. - Iliev B.Z., Linear transports along paths in vector bundles. I. General theory,
Communication JINR (*), E5-93-239, Dubna, 1993, 22 pp.;
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. math.DG/0411023, 2004. [See a revised version at this URL] - Iliev B.Z., Parallel transports in tensor spaces generated by derivations of tensor algebras,
Communication JINR (*), E5-93-1, Dubna, 1993, 19 pp.;
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. math.DG/0502009. - Iliev B.Z., The equivalence principle
in spaces with a linear transport along paths,
In: Proceedings of the 5-th seminar "Gravitational energy and gravitational waves'', JINR, Dubna, 16—18 may 1992, JINR (*), P2-92-559, Dubna, 1993, pp.69—84 (In Russian).
- Iliev B.Z., Flat linear connections in terms of flat linear transports in tensor bundles,
Communication JINR (*), E5-92-544, Dubna, 1992, 20pp.;
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. math.DG/0406010, 2004. - Iliev B.Z., Special bases for derivations of tensor algebras. III. Case along smooth maps with separable points of selfintersection,
Communication JINR (*), E5-92-543, Dubna, 1992, 15 p;
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. math.DG/0305061, 2003. - Iliev B.Z., Special bases for derivations of tensor algebras. II. Case along paths,
Communication JINR (*), E5-92-508, Dubna, 1992, 16 p;
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. math.DG/0304157, 2003. - Iliev B.Z., Special bases for derivations of tensor algebras. I. Cases in a neighborhood and at a point,
Communication JINR (*), E5-92-507, Dubna, 1992, 19 p;
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. math.DG/0303373, 2003. - Iliev B.Z., Consistency between metrics and linear transports along curves,
Communication JINR (*), E5-92-486, Dubna, 1992, 23pp. - Iliev B.Z., On some generalizations
of the Jacobi identity. II.,
Bulletin de la Société des Sciences et des Lettres de Lodz, vol.42, No.28, Série: Recherches sur les Déformations, vol.14, No.138, pp.93-102, 1992;
http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. math.DG/0306019, 2003. - Iliev B.Z., On some generalizations of the Jacobi identity. I.,
Bulletin de la Société des Sciences et des Lettres de Lodz, vol.42, No.21, Série: Recherches sur les Déformations, vol.14, No.131, pp.5—11, 1992.
- Iliev B.Z., On one generalization
of the Doppler effect in spaces with general linear transport,
In Proceedings of the 3-d seminar "Gravitational energy and gravitational waves'', JINR, Dubna, 19—21 may 1990, JINR (*), P2-91-164, Dubna, 1991, pp.96—104 (In Russian).
- Iliev B.Z., On the first order deviation equations and some quantities connected with them,
Communication JINR (*), E2-90-534, Dubna, 1990, 17 pp.
- Iliev B.Z., Relative velocity,
momentum and energy of point particles in spaces with general linear transport,
Communication JINR (*), E2-89-616, Dubna, 1989, 16 pp. - Iliev B.Z., Consistency between metrics and linear transports along curves,
Comptes rendus de L'Academie bulgare des Sciences, vol.42, No.3, 1989, pp.17—20.
- Iliev B.Z., Generalized transports and displacement vectors,
Communication JINR (*), E2-87-267, Dubna, 1987, 9pp. - Iliev B.Z., General linear transport (I-transport),
Comptes rendus de L'Academie bulgare des Sciences, vol.40, No.8, 1987, pp.45—48. - Iliev B.Z., Linear transports of tensors along curves: General S-transport,
Comptes rendus de L'Academie bulgare des Sciences, vol.40, No.7, 1987, pp.47—50. - Iliev B.Z., Deviation equations in spaces with affine connection. V. Some approximate methods,
Bulgarian Journal of Physics, vol.14, No.3, 1987, pp.215—220. - Iliev B.Z., The deviation equation as an equation of motion,
Communication JINR (*), E2-87-78, Dubna, 1987, 11 pp. - Iliev B.Z., Deviation equations in spaces with affine connection. III. Displacement vector: the case of a space with affine connection. IV. Nonlocal deviation equation,
Bulgarian Journal of Physics, vol.14, No.1, 1987, pp.18—31.
- Iliev B.Z., Deviation equations in spaces with affine connection. I. Generalized deviation equation: physical interpretation, local case and nonlocal problems. II. Displacement vector: the general case,
Bulgarian Journal of Physics, vol.13, No.6, 1986, pp.494—506.
- Iliev B.Z., The deviation
equation and the equivalence principle in spaces with affine connection,
Comptes rendus de L'Academie bulgare des Sciences, vol.37, No.9, 1984, pp.1187—1190. - Iliev B.Z., Deviation equations
and the weak equivalence principle in spaces with affine connection,
In: Proceedings of the 6-th Soviet (USSR) Gravity Conference "Modern theoretical and experimental problems of relativity theory and gravitation", University "Friendship between nations", Moscow 3—5 July 1984, University "Friendship between nations" Press, Moscow, 1984, p.227 (In Russian).
English translation: http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. gr-qc/0605008, 2006.
- Iliev B.Z., S. Manov, Deviation equations in spaces with affine connection,
Communication JINR (*), P2-83-897, Dubna, 1983 (In Russian), 14 pp.;
English translation: http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. math.DG/0512008, 2005.
- Iliev B.Z., S. Manov, Deviation
equations in spaces with torsion,
In: Proceedings of the 5-th Soviet (USSR) Gravity Conference "Modern theoretical and experimental problems of relativity theory and gravitation", Moscow Univ., Moscow, 1981, p. 122 (In Russian);
English translation: http://arXiv.org e-Print archive, E-print No. gr-qc/0507002, 2005.
This is the end of the Bozhidar Z. Iliev's Publication List.
REMARK: | Since some of the JINR publications, in particular the Communications, are hardly, sometimes almost impossible, to be found, the Bozhidar Z. Iliev's ones can be obtained free from the author upon request in conventional or electronic versions. PostScript or PDF versions of most of these works are available in SLAC library. Most of he Bozhidar Z. Iliev's JINR publications can be found as e-prints at http://arXiv.org e-Print archive. |

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