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Gathering of Alumni 1981 Physics
12 — 19(26) September 2015

The gathering in photos:
  1. ➤📷➤📷➤ Photo Account Will be Open in New windows
More info: Will be Open in New windows
  1. Announcement
  2. Program
  3. Program 1. North Sporades
  4. Program 2. Eagean sea near Athens
  5. Program 4. Cyclades
  6. Program 5. Ionian Sea No.1
  7. Program 6. Ionian Sea No.2
  8. Program 7. Ionian Sea No.3
  9. Program 8. Ionian Sea No.4
  10. Financial account
  11. Participants
  12. Registered for participations
  13. Data for yacht "Dances with waves"
  14. Photos of yacht "Dances with waves"
  15. "Pinna Nobilis" album
  16. "Sea Stars (Starfish)" album
  17. Panorama photos "Greece 2015"
Availables files with data: Will be Opened in New window
  1. !- Athens.php
  2. Announcement.php
  3. Financial_account.php
  4. Other_data_content.php
  5. Participants.php
  6. Participants_Registered.php
  7. Program-1.php
  8. Program-2.php
  9. Program-4.php
  10. Program-5.php
  11. Program-6.php
  12. Program-7.php
  13. Program-8.php
  14. Program.php
  15. Photos_Catamaran_'Dances_with_waves'-Bulgarian.php
  16. Photos_Catamaran_'Dances_with_waves'-English.php

® “THE GATHERING PLACE of the physicists 1981”  © ➜ Author/By: Bozhidar Iliev (Bozho) 2006—2024