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Instructions for identification

Please, have in mind the following for identification and/or entering data:

  1. The longer the password is, the better is the protection of your data!
  2. The system makes difference between lower case (minuscule, small) and upper case (large, capital) letters!
  3. You can use any symbols in Unicode (UTF-8) encoding in all places in this system. For example, one can use Latin and/or Cyrillic characters.
  4. Use your real names, otherwise your registration will be deledted!
  5. For initial registration you do not need to have a password, defined before the registration!
    Simply enter your names and a password, which you choose at the moment of initial registration, and then submit your data for initial identification.
  6. After the initial identification, you will be moved to the registration form/your Personal office where you should made your choices and enter/modify data.
    You will be recognized by the system as a registerd participant only after you send the completed initial registration form.
  7. If you are a registered participant, enter your names and password, with which you have registered yourself previously, and then you can modify your data as many times as you wish.
  8. If you are registered and have forgotten your password, please write your names, leave the password field blank and press the button "Submit the identification data". The registration system will automatically send back your password by email.
  9. If by mistake you have made wrong registations, please inform a member of the Gathering council to delete your redundant registrations or do that yourself if you are a member of the Gathering council.
  10. Here you can read some of the properties of the Personal Office/registration system (in Bulgarian).
See also Main properties of the Dyanamical system for data enetering and modification.

® “THE GATHERING PLACE of the physicists 1981”  © ➜ Author/By: Bozhidar Iliev (Bozho) 2006—2025