“The Gathering Place”
of the
physicists 1981
Lists of 1981 graduates
Main list
Additional list
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Gathering council
Rules for work
Rules for work - Old
Rules for Gathering particitations
Finances - Credits and Debits
Password reminder
Blank forms
Coming Gatherings
Bygone Gatherings
Active events
Information System
Info Sys
Personal offices
The next gathering
Gathering photo Gallery
Photos: 1976—1981
1976—1981 Faces
1976—1981 Photos
1976—1981 ➜ 2006
1976—1981 Archive
Photos: After years ...
2006 Faces
2011 Faces
2016 Faces
Natural and fun
1976—1981 ➜ 2006
Gathering Photo Archive
Suggest. and Opinions
Suggestions for Gatherings
Wisdom and Folklore
Empirical laws
Great Quotations
Joke or a true?
History and web design
The Sofia gathering (The Egg) 2008
1. 📷 Photo Account 📷
2. Announcement
3. Announcement No.“updated”
4. Program
5. Participants
✔ Registered Persons + info
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☁ Opinions and/or Suggestions
∀ Announcements to all
◈► Information System
Designed by Bozho
Around the Egg tables
The Sofia 2008 gathering, 26 January 2008
Photos in the album (129):
Images files
Around the Egg tables
The Sofia 2008 gathering, 26 January 2008
“Bozho - Yajtseto - 26 Jan 2008 - 006”
(No. 1 of 129)