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From here you will obtain a convenient access to standard data for all bygone and coming Gatherings.

Bygone and Coming Gatherings: viewing standard info

Please, make use of the below-presented dropdown menu to see the available via it data.
Click on the info (link) you want to view to get access to the data it points to.
Pay attention on the scroll bar that may appear to the right (the menus are long!).

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Please note, from here is available only standard gathering information like Announcment, Program, Participants etc. For other gathering data, use the other site archives and resources.

Sorry for the slow load of this page! The page contains a lot of data collected across this site and their gathering takes some extra time.

® “THE GATHERING PLACE of the physicists 1981”  © ➜ Author/By: Bozhidar Iliev (Bozho) 2006—2024